Trapesista [Yunchun] R

Jan 26, 2009 22:21

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death & for this part I added some crude pics that I made.
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word Count: 1,427
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N:I have two reasons why I write this fic. First cause I hate not seeing a long Yunchun story and because Im advertising my newest com tvxq_tragedias.
After thinking and a lot of convincing from a friend the post are unlock so anyone can read.
By the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM JAEJOONG!!!!!!!! Lots of blessing and energy!!!!!!!!!!!! and a lot of health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I. / II.


Yunho stare at the door for a couple of seconds before turning around just to be startle by Jaejoong. “Hi” Jaejoong greet him with a beautiful smile. Yunho smiles weakly at Jaejoong, not knowing what to do now.

Everything is dark but still Yunho could see Jaejoong clearly as if it Jaejoong have a light shining on him all the time. “I saw you too in my dreams.” Yunho says to Jaejoong like it is something he needs to tell.

“You saw me too?” Jaejoong tilts his head to the right his face expression reflected that he was thinking hard. Yunho looks at Jaejoong and then stares.

Jaejoong is exactly how Yunho saw him in the dream, exactly like the old photo on the room Yoochun was in.

Shouldn’t Jaejoong be old by now?

Shouldn’t be dead by now?


He walks back and forth in front of the door. He is trying as hard as his heart let him not over hear the conversation certain Jaejoong could or is having with certain Yunho. He try really damn hard to think this right now is just another illusion, another pretty mess up thing Jaejoong likes to makes.

“I saw you too in my dreams.” He heard Yunho saying to Jaejoong and his mind screams fuck. What Yunho means that he saw Jaejoong too in his dreams? Why would Yunho dream with Jaejoong before meeting him? Why Yunho said too, implying that someone had appear in Yunho’s dreams before than Jaejoong?

He wanted answers right now. He could go on without knowing what was really happening. He opens the door just to catch a glimpse of Yunho and Jaejoong stepping down of platform.

He follows them quietly and when they stop at one of the many seats rows he hides on the nearest place. Yunho was now seated four seats away of Jaejoong but Jaejoong remain standing.

The whole theater is silent for a couple of minutes before Yunho clears his throat, breaking the silence.

“So tell me, how I’m on your dreams too Yunho?” Jaejoong ask and he, Park Yoochun, could see clearly in the back of his eyelids the predatory smile on Jaejoong’s face.


“So tell me, how I’m on your dreams too Yunho?” Jaejoong asks Yunho with a smile that makes Yunho feel like he is trap. Yunho force himself to look away from Jaejoong’s face before his mind go crazy. Yunho looks around the place avoiding Jaejoong’s gaze and spotting Yoochun in a semi-hidden place not so far from where they are. Yunho’s right eyebrow perks up wondering why Yoochun kept himself away from them.

Yunho takes a deep slow breath and Jaejoong shift his weight annoyances invading the already uncomfortable aura. “I think I saw you dying.” Yunho finally said without looking at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong smirk a little, just for the sake of being cynical. “You think you saw me dying?” Jaejoong half ask half laugh. Yunho looks at him with disdain and again set his eyes straight to the platform.

“I’m pretty sure I saw you falling from somewhere really high and dying instantly.” After Yunho finish talking Jaejoong appear out of thin air on the exact point Yunho was looking. Yunho eyes turn wide and lean deeper into the back of the seat.

Jaejoong smile wickedly at Yoochun and bow politely at Yunho. Yoochun walk out of his hidden place and seat on the nearest chair. “See Yunho, I think in all the history of… our history you are the first person who dreamt about our death.” Yunho smile tightly at Jaejoong, his whole body tight with tension and anticipation.

Suddenly the clothes of Jaejoong started to change. If Yunho’s eyes could be wider, they will probably pop out of his face. Yunho blinks a couple of times. It was the first time that Yunho took notice of the clothes Jaejoong wears.

Now Jaejoong had a scarf around his neck, yellow and black, and there was some badge on his black blazer. Jaejoong’s clothes were all dark except for the yellow of the scarf, still they look, he look like brown, like an old, old picture. The corner of Jaejoong’s lips curve in a sinister smile finding Yunho’s expression really amusing.

Yoochun stare at Yunho’s shock face. Yoochun didn’t need to look at Jaejoong’s illusions, he saw when Jaejoong die, he still remembers.

“I look like this on your dream? Or do I look like this…” His skin started to pale more. Jaejoong’s black hair dances to the front of his face and to the left side casting a shadow over his left eye. All of his clothes were deep black, black leather pants inside of his gothic black boots.

Yunho couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing. This has to be an illusion, this can’t be real. Jaejoong chuckles at Yunho’s disbelief. “So tell me Yunho, which me you think you saw in your dream?”

Yunho gulps, his Adams apple bobbing for a second. “The first one.” Yoochun’s eyes widen a little at Yunho reply. How the hell could Yunho know that? Jaejoong stare blankly at Yunho before asking “Are you completely sure?” Yunho could only nod before jumping away when Jaejoong appear at his side out of nowhere.

“How can you do that?” Yunho asks to Jaejoong. Jaejoong looks back at Yoochun before disappearing completely. Yunho sigh “I’m not getting an answer soon right Yoochun.” Yunho stare straight into Yoochun’s empty eyes.

“What you want me to answer. Why you dreamt Jaejoong’s death day? How he can do that? What am I? Why you? I don’t think this is the time for you to know that and as far as I know… you can’t know that. As far as me and Jaejoong know you shouldn’t have those dreams.”

“Still I’m having them and I know, I feel they won’t leave me until I know.”

“Know what Yunho?”

“Until I know.”


When Yoochun got back at his room he found Jaejoong passing back and forth. None of the souls trapped in the walls were near. The aura around Jaejoong is so dark that even Yoochun feels a little bit of fear.

“Oh Come On!!! Yoochun… I can understand why those damn souls are fucking afraid of me… but you… you don’t have to be afraid.” Jaejoong is now in front of Yoochun grabbing him by his chin looking directly to Yoochun’s hollow eyes. “You can’t be afraid of me.”

With that said Jaejoong attach his lips with Yoochun lips sucking away the fear of Yoochun’s soul.


Yunho flicks the switch of the light up. His apartment is exactly how he left it minus the bloody walls. He closes the door behind him before resting his stress out body on the living room sofa. Yunho’s mind running all the events he saw in the theater.

Slowly and almost without knowing Yunho drifts into the dreamland.

The place was dark the only light was the spotlight over what appear to be a body hanging. A moment later he was near the hanging body, near enough to see the face of the person. Yunho wakes up with a startle. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be true.

This is not happening to him.


Yoochun rest his naked back on the only wall it was clear of souls. Jaejoong is peacefully asleep beside him, his naked cold body pressing into his own body. Yoochun sigh closing his eyes, his mind in deep thought.

This couldn’t be like last time. Clearly Yunho is different. Clearly this has to be different. Yunho can’t end like he did. Yoochun couldn’t help to think other ways to do his job without harming much Yunho.

Jaejoong could sense the tension of Yoochun. “How many times I have to tell you that this is a never ending circle. The only way to do your job is like I did it, like I thought you.” Yoochun looks to the other way, avoiding Jaejoong’s piercing gaze.

Jaejoong sat up on the bed and grabs Yoochun’s chin. “You can’t give your heart to him.” A single tear slides down of Yoochun’s right eye. “I took your heart like he took mine.” Another tear makes its way down.

“You have to take his heart Yoochun.” Yoochun closes his eyes couple of more tears making its way down through his face.

Jaejoong jumps out of the bed, putting his clothes back on his body.

“Remember Yoochun…” Jaejoong’s body disappears but his last words linger painfully in the room, in Yoochun’s mind.

“You don’t have a heart."

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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