It's so Mirotic!

Sep 21, 2008 14:03

Hey, peeps 8D It's time for...well, what I call a creative reconstruction of the Mirotic PV with amusing commentary and loltastic screencaps! I do this often enough on my own journal with several other videos of lolworthy mention, but I felt that since this is the special 4TH ALBUM COMEBACK VIDEO, that I should share my expression of utmost appreciation for this new MV with all of you ♥

I do so love creative re-telling ^^

Once upon a time a whole entire DAY ago (omg, a day? That's like, forever ago! ZOMG EPIC), five boys of unparalleled sexiness were walking down a narrow hallway. One had to wonder how thaty was even possible, given that there were five of them walking pretty much side-by-side. Another one figured that they needed to eat more

Then suddenly, there was a power outage. And everyone knows just how scary power outages are in a narrow hallway.

Just as the boys were starting to look around in confusion for where the heck the power breaker was, suddenly, the most colorfully-attired member got sucked into the blackness!


'OMG, where did--"


'Hey, Junsu disa--'


'Goddamnit, is this place infested by wall ninjas or somethi--'


'Why didn't the wall ninjas take ME first, I'm hotter than--'


Just then, the oddly-clothed woman who had been stalking the boys the whole time during their nice and timely stroll through the ol' narrow hallway appeared floating off of the floor enraged. "Damn wall ninjas took them first! I must RESCUE THEM SO I CAN RECAPTURE THEM FOR MY OWN SICK AND TWISTED PURPOSES

Just as she disappeared into black mysterious fade-out screen nothingness, the boys were having...interesting problems. Mostly problems that involved dancing.

Yes, dancing.

"OMG WTF", rambled Jae, "are we having a mass hallucination that involves us dancing in a room without a door?"

"Maybe--" Junsu said, sounding peterbed. "Are you also being plagued by green laser beams? Cuz I'm being plagued by green laser beams."

"Huh?", everyone else shouted, before suddenly--

"Ow. Oh. Wall." Jaejoong was, if anything, not so unhappy. He did so love walls. But he did notice than no one else was there.
"Um. Guys?"

Yoochun was far less happy. He was also stuck in walls--but he was very claustraphobic.

"Yoochun? Yoochun!" Yunho yelled out in a very leader-like fashion from his slightly wider cubicle. "I can hear you, I'm gonna--"

"YEEEEEEK WATER OH NOEZ MY ONRY WEAKNESS" came the shrill cry of Changmin from seemingly nowhere, and then the distinct sound of someone hitting water.

Everyone not Changmin wondered whether or not he'd done a bellyflop, and felt an immense wave of sympathy.

"Alright, that's it" Junsu shouted out in a very charismatic way. "Who lit the pot stash on fire?"

"We have a pot stash?" Yoochun exclaimed, incredulously, despite the fact that no one really could look at him due to their situation of being in separate cells/prisons/fetish rooms. "Is that the reason why the pantry always smells so funny--"

Just then, the lady appeared in front of Yoochun in a very mysterious ninja-like fashion!

Yoochun, of course, decided to try and put the charm on.
"Hey, sexy lady--"
"You fly is open"
"...well, that's embarrasing."

"Yoochun, stop flirting!" Yunho cried out in a way that sounded like a jealous boyfriend, "This is not the time to--"

Yunho's commandeering was cut off by RIBBONS. of CLOTH.
The lady was standing right in front of HIM, too! and she was SMIRKING.

"Tee hee hee BONDANGE" she shrieked. Okay, so she hadn't gotten to them first--but didn't mean she couldn't get to enjoy the view, right?


"Oh, Wallie~♥" Jaejoong exclaimed very passionately. "You like it rough? Yummy--"

And then SHE appeared, like a spider climging up the wall. FREAKY SHIT.


"I don't think she will, Jaejoong", Changmin blurted, "I think she's the one who captured us!"

"Um, no I didn't" she blurted right next to him. At least, he thought it was her--she kind of looked blurry through water.

"AAAH CREEPY" Junsu shrieked as she did the exact same thing to him.

"Guys, let's try and get out of here somehow--the lady is doing creepy shit to us!" Yoochun exclaimed from his really far-too-tiny space.

"Okay guys, I already said I didn't do this" the lady exclaimed as she played with Yunho's bondage clothing. Somehow, Yunho was not convinced.

Jaejoong grimmaced, and then whispered loving words to the wall. "Baby, we're gonna have to continue this somewhere more private, and away from this voyeuristic nasty lady, okayz?"
The wall didn't respond, because, well, walls don't talk. No need to tell Jaejoong that

Changmin continued to flail.

"Alright guys, I think I'm onto something" Junsu shouted. "I think dancing can fight against the laser beams--maybe it will work against everything else?"

"Interesting theory", the others said in a very 'this is interesting' pose. "LET'S DO IT!"

So they danced.

Yunho did his classic ballerina TWIRL--and the lady lost her grip on the cloth thingy-ma-bobbers!

Jaejoong did his arm flexing power, and the ropes came free!

Changmin danced, and discovered that the water was really, really shallow! He decided that he wasn't going to tell anyone about that part.

Yoochun made his OWN dance--an interpretive thing he liked to call, "BEAT THE WALL UNTIL IT SMASHES TO PIECES". Needless to say, it was a stunning performance.

"Alright, creepy lady", Yunho bellowed, "We're gonna get you and make you pay!"

The lady who was mostly innocent of the actual crime, but not innnocent in the fact that she let it happen, participated in the torture, and had been planning something similar to this series of events, decided that now was a good time to split.


The guys doggedly, uh, walked after her at a relatively faster than normal pace, and eventually had her CORNERED. I say CORNERED, but she was actually flat against another wall. So, she was actually "WALLED" in, to be precise. Either way, things did not look good for her. She tried to look cocquettish to perchance escape her dilemma!

It didn't work.

"Alright, you crazy person in a very weird outfit", the guys all shouted, "Now's time for explification! What the heck did you do to all of us?!"

"It wasn't me, I swear, it wasn't--"

And then the wall ninjas struck again.

She disappeared in a very blinding flash of light! Apparently, the ninjas learned from the last time that disappearing in darkness isn't always as sneaky as one might assume.Plus, Bright lights, it would seem, serve better to distract!


And so, the boys were all temporarily blinded by the flash of light from her disappearance, and had a very difficult time getting out of the narrow hallway. Much unintentionaly bodily molestation followed.



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