Title: Memo on Orange Paper
Author: sky at twilight
Characters: Team
Rating: PG
Challenge #46: Costumes
They were huddled around Tosh's station in an impromptu meeting, quietly discussing the mandatory Halloween office party. “You've got to talk to him,” Gwen whispered to Ianto.
“Why me?” he whispered back.
“Because he likes you.”
“No more than the rest of you.”
“You're the one he's shagging,” Owen said.
“That means nothing. Jack would shag a beautifully crafted armoire.”
Everyone paused. “Did anyone else get a disturbing image?” Gwen asked.
They all raised their hand.
Tosh steered the conversation back, “Try and convince him to drop the costumes.”
Gwen looked sheepish, “But I was looking forward to dressing up.”