Title: Not thirsty Character: Owen, Tosh, Jack Author: m_findlow Rating: PG Length: 200 words Content notes: none Author notes: Written for Challenge 696 - Water Summary: Owen makes a near fatal assumption. A double drabble.
Title: Predictable Character: Ianto, Owen Author: m_findlow Rating: PG Length: 200 words Content notes: none Author notes: Written for Challenge 696 - Water Summary: Jack leaves a trail that is easy to follow if you know what to ask. A double drabble.
Title: Feeling miserable Character: Jack, Owen Author: m_findlow Rating: PG Length: 100 words Content notes: none Author notes: Written for Challenge 696 - Water Summary: Jack hates being sick for more than one reason.
Title: Survival skills Character: Gwen, Ianto, Jack Author: m_findlow Rating: PG Length: 200 words Content notes: none Author notes: Written for Challenge 696 - Water Summary: Weevils have a tough existence down by the bay. A double drabble.