Title: Not quite a love story
Author: Eledhwen (
51stcenturyfoxCharacter/Pairing(s): Jack Harkness, Lucia Moretti, other OCs
Rating: R
Word Count: 19450
Warnings: OC death. Spoilers for "Children of Earth".
Disclaimer: Not mine, the BBC's, I'm merely playing in the sandpit.
Author's Note(s): Chronological details courtesy of Wikipedia, the Doctor Who Chronology, and "Children of Earth". There is a reference to my short one-shot fic,
The Doctor and the Daffodils, but it's absolutely not necessary to read that. Also some references to a couple of Third Doctor serials, but again, it's not necessary to have seen them.
Summary: Lucia Moretti's starting a new job. She doesn't yet know how it will change her life.
Link to Fic:
Part I -
Part II -
Part III -
Epilogue Link to Art/Mix:
It's beautiful, and it's here.