Want to march in the D*C parade on Saturday morning, and/or just hang out with other Doctor Who/Torchwood/Sarah Jane Adventures costumers and cosplayers? I've got the info for you right here, under the cut. :)
First off, you need to go here and join the Prydon Academy board:
http://www.prydonacademy.com/forum/ (The PA is a group of DW/TW/SJA costumers who got started at Dragoncon a few years ago, and has now grown to be a world-wide group. It's run by Andy, our 7th Doctor.)
You need to sign up for a login and password. As soon as you get the email with the board approval (it happens automatically), you can sign onto the board. :)
Then, look for the Dragoncon subforum. Post in the 2010 Parade sign up thread, so that Andy will know that you want to be in the parade, so he can get a parade ribbons for you. (And just in case you don't happen to know, you must wear your D*C badge for the parade as well, in addition to the parade ribbons. It's a D*C requirement.)
After the parade, the group will have a photoshoot. Location TBA. The 2010 Photoshoot thread will tell you where and when. :)
We also get together for dinner on Saturday night. :) There's a dinner signup thread as well. If you want to attend the dinner, again let Andy know by posting in the 2010 Dinner Signup thread, since he needs to be able to inform the restaurant how many people will be in our group.
Then there's the Brittrack, which has many DW and TW panels. :) There will be a costuming panel for the Brittrack again, but since the schedule isn't up yet, we don't know when it will be taking place yet.
Any other questions, please ask away!