More Owen Shots with Captain Jack and Near the Tardis we built

Apr 15, 2011 22:40

I know Taritel Runya posted a few pics, but I wanted to say I was very proud of our Doctor Who invasion of All Con.  So, of the few pictures I go to be a part of, this is one i found.  Here's one of the better shots of me in Vincent Gear.

Here's the one companion shot, i know of, that i got in on.

Also, here's some more intricate shots I got with some of our regular group.

Believe me, switching between Vincent, the 4th Doctor, then Owen was a full time gig.

I pulled together Zack for some Owen Jack shots, and these are some of the few i really like.

At the early last of the con, however we were interviewed, and i had managed to find our Tosh, who I put into my lab coat, and we were interivewed by The

Unfortunately, the Noobnews piece never aired.  I felt slightly jilted, but i imagine they just didn't have the time to have some fans talk torchwood.  Still, i guess that's the way it goes.

The last thng that's interesting is that we were shown in a piece by 8 Bit Mickey

Anyway, you can see us, exactly on the other side of the Tardis when he touches it and calls it Sexual.  OR at least you can see me, and a peek a Tosh.

Anyway, more soon

tosh, con: torchsong, conventions, props, john hart, owen, team, captain jack, ianto, photos

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