I know Taritel Runya posted a few pics, but I wanted to say I was very proud of our Doctor Who invasion of All Con. So, of the few pictures I go to be a part of, this is one i found. Here's one of the better shots of me in Vincent Gear.
Here's the one companion shot, i know of, that i got in on.
Also, here's some more intricate shots I got with some of our regular group.
Believe me, switching between Vincent, the 4th Doctor, then Owen was a full time gig.
I pulled together Zack for some Owen Jack shots, and these are some of the few i really like.
At the early last of the con, however we were interviewed, and i had managed to find our Tosh, who I put into my lab coat, and we were interivewed by The NoobNews.com
Unfortunately, the Noobnews piece never aired. I felt slightly jilted, but i imagine they just didn't have the time to have some fans talk torchwood. Still, i guess that's the way it goes.
The last thng that's interesting is that we were shown in a piece by 8 Bit Mickey
blip.tv/file/4948578 Anyway, you can see us, exactly on the other side of the Tardis when he touches it and calls it Sexual. OR at least you can see me, and a peek a Tosh.
Anyway, more soon