Episode 2.4 Post Mortum Discussion

Feb 06, 2008 22:59

Really liked this episode.

The Good:

Rhys - Yay!

Ianto - I deeply deeply love that man. Yay, with the snark and the action!Ianto and the look at Jack when they are talking about seeing people.

Awww Tosh and Owen. They are just so crap. I want to hug and squish them (and then knock their heads together)

Awww Owen at the end.

The Bad (which is just whining about minor stuff):

Some of Jack's lines were a bit clunky although John did his best with them

Jack/Gwen - Rhys is such a sweetheart and I just don't like the way that the Jack/Gwen relationship seems to be being prioritied over the extant relationship. I can see the attraction of the dashing hero (and got over the idea in my teens) but the 'doomed' twue wuv thing they seem to be going for is just insulting all around. I'll buy lust, hell, I'd buy attraction and deeper feelings but the OTT Mills and Boon-ness just seems out of place.

Did no one notice that Ianto would be dead if the bad guy hadn't run out of bullets? (Fic dealing with this, please) After all the stuff with Gwen and Rhys being on the same team... would a little concern seem out of place?

Agree, disagree, wondering about RTD's veggie agenda... comment below.


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