Challenge 28: 3.02: Day Two

Jan 17, 2010 20:59

We come now to Challenge 28, "Day Two", and just like last week there are 20 caps behind the cut. Your special category this week is Best Gwen and the limit remains at 6 icons, so be creative and have fun!

ETA: Cap #19 has Jack's dusty naked ass in it and Photobucket quickly deleted it from my account, so I've uploaded it to my own webspace. If you use it, I recommend uploading it to somewhere where it won't get deleted. Heh.

You must be a member to participate in the challenges
Only the pictures provided may be used
Blending, textures, brushes, etc are allowed unless otherwise specified
Your icons must be new, never before used or posted, and they can't be posted anywhere until the winners of that challenge have been announced
Entries must meet LJ requirements: 100x100 pixels, no bigger than 40KB
You can make up to 6 icons for this challenge!
Please submit your icons to this post (comments are screened)

Entries: 45

Click the thumbnails for the full cap

Submissions will close Sunday, January 24!

There's still just over an hour left to enter Challenge 27!

submissions, challenge 28

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