It's always best when a story ends up being fun to write. Otherwise you hit a point where it's like pulling teeth, and you end up resenting it. So, Yay!
Lovely :) Nothing like good quality, recency style hotness to wind up a good Sunday afternoon.
Thoroughly enjoyed Lady Satoe and how she was utterly unfazed by the goings on around her, if anything taking charge towards the end. Also good to have a quick appearance from dear Rhys and his devastating practicality.
Nice play with the idea of the 'real' Captain Jack Harkness and the disappearing hand amidst the fireworks and sounds that could in another world have been like those of a TARDIS. Something's not entirely as Jack/James say it is, but I do like the mystery even if it's still a bit sad to see Jack leave. And of course, because I'm a sap at heart, I was glad to see that Ianto wasn't left alone again. Great writing!
Yes, you've picked up some of the things I meant to write into it, without being too explicit. That's great, and very reassuring to me. Getting Ianto and Jack together means going "behind the scenes" of a trad Regency, but with Torchwood involved, anything can happen.
The Regency set-up does put some restraints on the way men and women can interact socially, so bringing in a plausible chaperone figure has to be done at times. Developing hints from the show into AU characters turned out to be fun, although it keeps leading off into whole other stories: like Baron Satoe bringing a bride from the Far East back to England, to explain a Japanese-background character in Regency London.
Ianto and the two Jacks was just completely necessary from the moment the concept came into being. :)
*evil laughter* My secret plan is working! Don't ask what the plan is about, because sometimes I'm confused too. It's kind of AU Torchwood, and this one is AU for the Regency genre as well, what with the gaysex and all, but I thought it sounded good. *more evil laughter*
It's great to know you like it. The Regency style is probably not perfect, but after reading all of Georgette Heyer and lots more, I can do a reasonable pastiche. I'll be writing other pieces when I can. This one covers the end of TW season 1, and for the previous challenge there's an AU version of the beginning of season 1, and then maybe there can be some middle pieces filled in.
All the gay sex is *distinctly* not Regency in the genre sense, but I'm going on the idea that if Jack had lived through that time, he'd have done whatever he liked anyway, just with Nonpareil style.
Comments 19
Thoroughly enjoyed Lady Satoe and how she was utterly unfazed by the goings on around her, if anything taking charge towards the end. Also good to have a quick appearance from dear Rhys and his devastating practicality.
Nice play with the idea of the 'real' Captain Jack Harkness and the disappearing hand amidst the fireworks and sounds that could in another world have been like those of a TARDIS. Something's not entirely as Jack/James say it is, but I do like the mystery even if it's still a bit sad to see Jack leave. And of course, because I'm a sap at heart, I was glad to see that Ianto wasn't left alone again. Great writing!
The Regency set-up does put some restraints on the way men and women can interact socially, so bringing in a plausible chaperone figure has to be done at times. Developing hints from the show into AU characters turned out to be fun, although it keeps leading off into whole other stories: like Baron Satoe bringing a bride from the Far East back to England, to explain a Japanese-background character in Regency London.
Ianto and the two Jacks was just completely necessary from the moment the concept came into being. :)
*goes off to read it again*
Glad you liked it.
I love that you kept very much in the style of Regency writing, not just in the period (if that makes any sense at all). This was wonderful. *bounces*
*just realized she's still in her rp account ... how appropriate* XD
All the gay sex is *distinctly* not Regency in the genre sense, but I'm going on the idea that if Jack had lived through that time, he'd have done whatever he liked anyway, just with Nonpareil style.
Well excellent! I look forward to more, then. So ... I'm going to go read the other one, now. :D
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