glinda_penguin wrote in
Jan 04, 2009 15:29
zealous \ZEL-uhs\, adjective:
full of zeal; actively enthusiastic
c.1526, from Latin zelosus from zelus "zeal"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Jan 02, 2009 23:38
xanthous \ZAN-thuhs\, adjective:
yellow; yellowish
by 1829, from Greek xanthos "yellow," of unknown origin. Prefix form xantho- is used in many scientific words.
glinda_penguin wrote in
Jan 01, 2009 22:30
wanderlust \WON-der-luhst\, noun:
a strong desire to wander or travel
by 1902, from German Wanderlust, literally "desire for wandering"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 30, 2008 20:33
tacit \TAS-it\, adjective:
1. implied or understood without being openly expressed
2. saying nothing; silent
c 1575, from French tacite, from Latin tacitus "that is passed over in silence, done without words, assumed, silent," from tacere "to be silent," from Proto Indo-European base *tak- "to be silent."
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 29, 2008 22:42
sacrilege \SAK-ruh-lij\, noun:
an intentional injury to anything held sacred; disrespectful treatment of something sacred
c 1300, from Old French sacrilege, from Latin sacrilegium and sacrilegus "one who steals sacred things," from sacer "sacred" + legere "take, pick up." Transferred sense of "profanation of anything held sacred" is attested from
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 24, 2008 20:55
narcissism \NAHR-suh-siz-em\, noun:
excessive love or admiration for oneself; in psychoanalysis, gratification manifested in admiration and love of oneself
by 1822, from Greek Narkissos, beautiful youth in mythology (Ovid, "Metamorphosis," iii.370) who fell in love with his own reflection in a spring and was turned to the flower narcissus.
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 23, 2008 21:10
macrobiotic \mak-roh-bahy-OT-ik\, adjective:
of or having to do with macrobiotics, a dietary system derived from Zen Buddhism and purported to prolong life
by 1797, from German Makrobiotik, from Greek makrobiotikos "long-lived" from makros "long" + bios "life."