glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 07, 2008 18:54
sequacious \sih-KWAY-shuhs\, adjective:
1. proceeding smoothly and regularly
2. disposed to follow, especially slavishly
by 1640, "given to following leaders," from Latin sequac-, stem of sequax "that follows, a follower," from sequi "to follow"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 06, 2008 13:11
sentinel \SEN-tuhn-uhl\, noun, verb:
1. to stand guard and watch
1. a person stationed to keep watch and guard
by 1579, from Middle French sentinelle, from Italian sentinella, perhaps (from a notion of "perceive, watch"), from sentire "to hear, perceive," from Latin senire "feel"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 05, 2008 23:14
dissever \dih-SEV-uhr\, verb:
to separate or part; sever
c.1250, from Anglo-French deseverer, from Old French dessevrer, from Latin disseparare, from dis- + separare
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 04, 2008 20:01
curio \KYOOR-ee-oh\, noun:
a valued, novel object; an object valued as a curiosity, often a collectible
by 1851, literally, "piece of bric-a-brac or art object from the far East," a shortened form of curiosity
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 03, 2008 21:52
caitiff \KAY-tif\, noun, adjective:
1. cowardly and mean
1. a mean, cowardly person
c.1300, from Old North French caitive "captive, miserable," from Latin captivum; originally the word meant a "captive, prisoner"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Dec 01, 2008 23:00
valediction \val-uh-DIK-shuhn\, noun:
the action of bidding farewell; a farewell
by 1614, from Latin valedicere "bid farewell," from vale, imperative form of valere "be well" + dicere "to say"
glinda_penguin wrote in
Nov 30, 2008 10:54
incursion \in-KUR-zhuhn; -shuhn\, noun:
1. a sudden attack; invasion, raid
2. a running or flowing in
by 1432 "hostile attack," from Latin incursionem "a running against," from incurrere