Okay, so my pics on the Kodak CD finally, finally came back today (damn you Labor Day!) So, without further ado, some pictures from my road trip from West to East
Starting with the departure point.....Redlands, CA
The baby Ruby:
Ruby in her high chair:
The genius Dr. K.L. Evans, at work:
The genius Dr. D. LaRocca, being a dad:
Me, with Rubes:
Me with genius Dr. K.L. Evans. Yes, yes, I know, I'm zit central. Gosh darnit, I'm working on it!:
That's the first part of the trip, with the LaRoccas. Next will be HSC with the Gozas, Tim the Librarian, and Twins!!!
Tim the Librarian with his (evil) dog, Boba:
My bubbe and my nephew, JJ:
Kimberly and Dennis Goza, 2/3s of the Act!vated Storytellers:
American Goza Gothic (with pet):
Me and Zephyr, the "happy brother and sister":
The twins, so sad to see me go:
And with that, I left California, heading east on I-80! Driving pictures, Mt. Rushmore pics, and Buffalo pics up later!