She Lives!

Jun 07, 2006 10:18

Good news folks! I'm finally on the upswing from this illness. Today when I woke up instead of my first thought being 'ohhh I feel sick' as it has been for the last little while today it was 'hmmm I'm hungry!'. Which is a much appreciated change! I then proceeded to walk to the kitchen and boil my own water for making oatmeal. I have also put away ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

wisenboi June 8 2006, 01:52:47 UTC
*mega huggles*


destinymanifest June 10 2006, 05:44:27 UTC
It's nice to see an update from ya! I'm sure your friends will understand that you were bedridden, so don't fret too much. :)


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