I have a piece that is a WIP, right now it is over 5000 words. I don't know where it's going to end up, but the muse has been faithful so it should be over soon. (Though it could turn into double its current length.)
It's not for any fest. The pairing is Jack/Ianto. I have no plans to make it any kinkier than vanilla sex and it may not even end up that high of a rating. It is and isn't a fix it; it's set way after MD, but doesn't ever mention MD or COE. Immortal!Ianto.
The story is how, after several years (decades? centuries? it's up for interpretation) Jack and Ianto meet again. Ianto is different, more distant, more mature and come into his own. Jack is taken aback by that and isn't sure how to deal with it. With all of that going on, they were thrown together again because their mutual employer calls on them both to deliver medical supplies to a planet in need.
So there is a lot of thinky thoughts going on, lots of emotions.
I'm looking for a beta who can do the usual--spelling, grammar, plot continuation. I also need feedback on the flow of the story, the characterization, the emotions, the changed and changing relationship.
I do not have a google account and prefer to use .rtx for formats. I don't have Word and Open Office just screws up my computer. I can't undo highlighting either. I've worked with betas in the past who have used different colors and these [ ] brackets to indicate changes.
I know this is a tall order, but I've busy in RL so I won't be overly demanding I hope, as I won't have time.
Please and thank you.