Dec 07, 2010 22:45
Preferred Name: Bekah
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Tosh/Jack, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Andy
Rating: PG13+ - R
Setting: Series One through to Series Two
Length: 10 chapters (Approximately 20,000 words)
Genre: Suspence, Romance, Humor, Adventure, Team-Fic!
Pairing Type: Threesome, Slash, Het
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
A brief summary: Something has come through the rift and it's leaving a trail of bodies along the cost, from Swansea to Newport. So far, the only thing that ties the killer to Torchwood and the Rift, is the viscous fluid the killer leaves behind that both Jack and Owen were able to identify as being not of this world.
Location: Australia
Due Date: None.
rating: r,
pairing type: threesome,
pairing: multiple 'ships,
pairing type: slash,
setting: series two,
length: multi-part,
beta: request,
setting: series one,
genre: multiple genres,
rating: pg-13,
pairing type: het,
length: wip