Beta Profile: doves_wing

Dec 10, 2010 20:01


Preferred Name: Shayna
Region: North America (Eastern Standard Time)

Story Preferences

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen, John/Jack/Ianto,
Ratings: G, PG, PG-15, R except for Smut
Length: One-shots, Multi-chapter, Complete Only
Setting: Pre-Series, Season 1 & 2, CoE Fix-Its, Alternate Universe (No aliens), Alternate Reality (Possible aliens), Alternate Canon
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Cross-over, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fluff, Friendship, Horror, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Multiple Genres, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Teamfic, Tragedy
Pairing Type: Het, Femslash, Slash, Threesome, Poly

Betaing Dislikes

Pairings: Jack/Gwen.
Ratings: NC-17
Length: WiPs
Setting: CoE Compliant, 
Genre: PWP (Smut)
Pairing Type: N/A
Squicks/Kinks: I just don't beta smut.


Strengths:  Punctuation, grammar, characterization, canon-compliance, idea-bouncing
Weaknesses: Brit-picking.
Beta Style: I can be nicer about it... but I do much better when I can tell you "This is terrible. Here's why. Suggestions for changing it." But I won't write it for you- I'll merely make suggestions. You're the author, after all.

Are you fluent in any language(s) other than English?:  Nope.

Crossovers: I can beta crossovers with Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (but not AtS), Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Sanctuary, Harry Potter, Firefly, Castle, and Bones. I also am fairly good with Victorian history.

Anything Else?: Not available at the moment. 

pairing: jack/john hart, genre: fluff, pairing type: slash, genre: friendship, pairing type: poly, genre: family, pairing type: femslash, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: mystery, region: north america, pairing type: threesome, setting: alt universe, length: long-fic, setting: series two, genre: drama, genre: thriller, genre: fantasy, beta: unavailable, genre: parody/crack-fic, beta: coe-fixit, rating: pg-13, length: ficlet, genre: humour, rating: pg, length: one-shot, setting: alt canon, setting: pre-series, rating: multiple ratings, beta: pre-series, genre: horror, rating: r, length: drabble, pairing: multiple 'ships, beta: profile, pairing: tosh/owen, setting: alt reality, genre: tragedy, genre: crime, genre: cross-over, length: multi-part, genre: fix-it, genre: angst, setting: series one, genre: multiple genres, genre: romance, rating: g, pairing: jack/ianto, pairing type: het, length: short-fic, genre: action/adventure

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