Yay, three chapters in one day! I like the switches of POV for the chapters to allow for insights into the characters, relationships, and their surroundings. In this chapter particularly, the imagery is just stunning, the level of detail down to the polishing of the wood with beeswax and the smell of honey. Just perfect.
Oh and bonfire of the bad guys. I should not have been taking a sip of my tea at that point. That was almost an embarrassing moment. Thankfully I got it under control.
Oh yes, Buffy gets a view of elves. And hobbits, though she doesn't know what they are yet. And perhaps Butterbur himself soon?
I am curious about the situation she's in where she'd be willing to leave her current life behind so easily. She really doesn't seem to mind the idea of being trapped in Middle-earth, does she? It's an interesting emotional setup for her.
My approach is that in this she's not got that much to stay for - Dawn's growing up, the mini-slayers are holding the fort, she's not got much going in the career stakes, she's not in a relationship - so while she'd miss her friends (and some of the luxuries of modern living) her emotional investment in her world isn't that high. In fact, she may well have made her trip to England to reconnect with Giles precisely because she's been feeling so distanced and uninvolved with things. Buffy without direction or purpose is going to be a restless, slightly mopey Buffy, looking for something - or someone - that can give her a heading, and a cause she can sign up to.
Comments 3
Oh and bonfire of the bad guys. I should not have been taking a sip of my tea at that point. That was almost an embarrassing moment. Thankfully I got it under control.
Three more to go...
I am curious about the situation she's in where she'd be willing to leave her current life behind so easily. She really doesn't seem to mind the idea of being trapped in Middle-earth, does she? It's an interesting emotional setup for her.
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