Today just minding my business when I got a call from my friend Kayla. I've known Kayla since Cerra Vista School. She is one of my closest friends and have always been warmly welcomed in her home. Her mom had gotten sick, she didn't tell me what exactly but that she was sick and to keep her in my prayers. I have been and I have been thinking about
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tonight we went to the worst karaoke ever. BUT there was this creepy dude that was sitting at the table next to us. At first he was noticeable because he was sitting alone eating a basket of fries being creepy. Then I looked at him and he looked so familiar. He was an actor, but in what? I couldn't put my finger on it, I still can't. I've been up
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So I was out and about today getting some last minute stuff for dinner and I ran into my friend from high school. We chatted for a while and we mentioned not wanting to go to bars here in Hollister because we run into people from high school. While I walked through the store I thought about the people we don't like running into from high school. I
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I've been home for 2 weeks and I've had the best of times. I'm keeping myself busy by taking care of the parental unit. I don't understand how they live without me. heh My favorite show for the moment is Clean House, so of course I got so excited to clean this house. I had my mom sit with me and go through some paperwork and misc. stuff in the
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Easter is always a good time. Bien tiempos! heh This year was no different. We all got together, ATE, hung out, talked, played, hid eggs, founds eggs, ATE more, almost got diabetes, played rock band, ATE more, and went home
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Today we went to Tillamook and to Manzanita Beach. It was really fun. Tillamook has a THE Tillamook cheese factory and they had this little farm where you could feed goats, rams, geese, ducks, chickens, roosters, donkeys, llamas, and some ugly looking birds. They had really good sample stuff inside too. YUM
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So lately or maybe I'm just admitting it, I've been making stories for people I see on the street, walking by or driving by. Yesterday we went to Powell's books and I posted up in front of the window facing the street. I would take breaks from reading and look out the window and just make a story about whoever the victim that happen to be passing
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PCM= Portland Community Media. We watch these channels A LOT since they have the funniest things on. Its often more entertaining than cable television. Today we watched a show where these kids were showing the viewers how to properly dumpster dive which came on after PETA nation where they followed around a lady wearing fur yelling at her
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I have a new found love for movies made in the 80s. I'm watching Girls Just Want to Have Fun! One of Sarah Jessica Parker's best, this should be her pride. I mean her hair and the dance sequences are too perfect for words. I also watched another gem called The Malibu Bikini Shop. This one was everything I like in a movie: dance sequences,
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