Title: Unconventional
Username: tweekersx
Pairings: Damien/Pip
Rating: PG
Summary: Thier love was hardly picture-perfect, but it made them happy. Damien surprises Pip on his birthday.
It was an unconventional romance, to say the least.
Unconventional )
Comments 1
Awwwww, it's so cute! I absolutely adore it. It was a great way to show love to the Dip pairing that you have been neglecting for oh so long! I love it. Congrats on such a good job! Please do keep up the good work, and I think you should write more Dip fics, maybe even expand on this? I donno, but they deserve love, and you do it oh so perfectly while keeping them in character at the same time! Even if there wasn't much dialogue (actually, there was none) or anything...it was short, cute, and extremely enjoyable! I applaud you!
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