Or, as I think I shall call it, the Awkward Movie.
Some people are amused by teenage hormonal awkward moments. Or at least more amused than made uncomfortable by sheer awkwardness. Sadly, I am not one of those people. The awkwardness was painful. Usually when I complain about the HP movies, it's about how the movie deviated from the book. This time, my biggest concerns are with the Awkward. I shall only complain briefly, because there were definitely things I liked about the movie, and I am sure you are more interested in those.
First. If this movie is the Awkward Movie, Ginny Weasley is the Awkward Queen. Honestly, did she have a scene that was not painfully awkward? Especially the whole Room of Requirement thing. God. There was a reason it did not happen like that in the book. Also, whn she tied his shoe. Ugh. I could handle the awkward Ron, Hermione, and Lavender. That was fine. Awkward, but laughable. Harry...better than Ginny, but worse than the others. At least he was not unreasonalby obsessed with Malfoy. Much.
Important things that should Not have deviated from the book:
The battle in Hogwarts. Also, Harry not being Petrificus Totalus-ed.
The flipping reason why Dumbledore was showing Harry the memories. I mean, does he even have a CLUE as to what the other ones are? As far as I can tell, he can only think that they could be anything.
The fact that Ron was completely left out of that heart to heart at the end. Hermione and Ron should have been a united front there telling Harry that they were going to help him.
Harry was not held at all responsible for almost killing Draco Malfoy.
Deviant things that I think were important but probably aren't:
Dumbledore, not even you can apparate in Hogwarts unless you use Fawkes. I understand why you left out the Rosmerta thing, but.. also, Harry is the one that apparated you both back to Hogsmeade. And that was a bit important, because it showed that he could do it!
Draco did not try to say Crucio before Harry cut him open, so it was really unprovoked.
Also, both of them used worldless magic in that scene, didn't they. And it is important that Harry cannot do that.
Narcissa Malfoy. Just.... not at all what I pictured. Speaking of which, were those white twins supposed to be the Patils?
Ginny and Dean "fighting." Yeah right.
Things that were awesome:
Luna Lovegood. Sad that she did not get to commentate the Quidditch, but still. Everything about her is fantastic.
The way they did the Draco Malfoy story. Even though we weren't really supposed to know what he was doing. I was still a fan. I know, can this really be me? But I really liked watching his progress. And, it also makes me think more about how Fred and George shoved a Slytherin into that cabinet. Speaking of hte cabinet and sort of the Room of Req. Did anyone spot the crown? Because having knowledge of the seventh book, they definitely should have put that in there.
Actually, Ron and Lavender. They were hilarious, despite the awkward.
Cormac McClaggen. He amused me. In the book he just bothered me, when I registered him at all.
Snape's sarcasm. And when he caught Harry trying to duck away. Also, this movie left even less room for thinking that Snape was evil. So many more Hey Look at Me Being Good scene.
Remus Lupin. Not there much, but pretty badass. Also surprisingly hot. Were he and Tonks together? I thought I heard her call him sweetie... maybe not. I thought that happened later? Later in the 6th or seventh? Don't know. Oh well.
Slughorn, actually, now that I think of it.
Also, Harry deliberately sucking up to him. He's a rather good suck up actually. Though if he tried that crap on McGonagall she would smack him down. But it was great for Slughorn.
Harry being high on that luck potion.
The Inferi. And Dumbledore's fire spell. Too bad they skipped the epic swim over to the cave. It would have been especially impressive in light of those ginormous waves.
Apparating. Much better than Gold or Black smoky streaking. What were they even doing? Had they had brooms, I'd have been okay with that, but I am pretty sure you can't just fly yourself, no matter how evil you are.
Bellatrix. Crazy and evil.
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, despite the awkward muggle-looking statue thing out front.
And that is all for now. Despite all of the awesome things, the awkward is just...too painful for me to want to go see it again soon.
Oh, no wait. One more story to share. As we were leaving the theater:
Outraged small girl: I reread the 6th book SIX times to get ready for this movie, and they jsut made that part up!! (I have no idea what part she was talking about)
I really wanted to tell her that she should never do that. Even rereading it once before the movie is enough to kill it off for me. Am glad I forgot to do it this time.