There's a bit of a silly Stereolab poll going on over at Wired. Here's a couple of scans of an album of theirs I like. Complete with a very cool Flying Nun. The sunlight fading is cool too. Yes it is.
By a weird coincidence, I was comparing early and late Stereolab last night. I think I'd decided that "Revox" summed up the early sound, while things like "Vonal Declosion" or "Interlock" were typical late-period. But what about mid-period?
I don't know much early early stuff apart from this compilation. Harmonium is fab. My favourites are Mars Audiac Quintet and the Amorphous Body centre one. Never been able to remember song titles ...
There's a great Tim Gane/Sean O'Hagan 1997 collaboration called "Turn On" you might like.
The Turn On album I've heard about, but never heard. I reckoned it was a 'completists only' thing - but, then again, Stereolab are one of the three artists that I probably qualify as a completist of. I will investigate.
Comments 7
There's a great Tim Gane/Sean O'Hagan 1997 collaboration called "Turn On" you might like.
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