After reading the RULES and the FAQ, fill out the application form below to join!
- Team Basestar
- Team Colonial One
- Team Galactica
Be aware that you may not get your first choice for teams so that we can keep the members even. The team you are on does not limit what entries can be made. For example, a person on Team Basestar could still do an entry about Bill Adama and a person on Team Galactica could enter a challenge with something centered around Cylons. Team affiliation is mainly for points and team spirit.
Once you are placed on a team you will receive an invitation to join
twelvecolonies and your team community.
LJ Username:
Team Choice #1:
Team Choice #2:
Team Choice #3:
Who/Where you heard about this:
When you've been placed on a team, go
here to accept your community invitations!