oh yea baby what we need is nude skin ...
Topless baby!
well, this means this chall*s icon,must include (a male pls :D)
Taiwanese artist, whose upper body part is shown nude
(in my opiion the more skin the better ;D)
but OF COURSE we want no offensive pictures,for sure!
The artist has not to be completly unsdressed, you could also work with a
picture like this
submission example:
http://i46.tinypic.com/2dse90j.jpgLEEHOM WANG
what we need?
icon, anonymous url, artist name (!!!)
end of submission?
SUNDAY 31st January
Voting? 1.2.10
have fun entering!!!
i hope this time MORE people will enter, so that EVERYONE can
enjoy the creativity of your work ;)
see you guys!
isa :D