So I finally got all of these scanned and resized. These are all of the challenge pieces (a character, a prop, a setting), and one of the round table sketches. Enjoy!
Er, mine seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Might have been consumed by fire or something *whistles innocently*
andreanna drew Lucius in the desert with a towel:
ani_bester drew Arthur in the deep South with a jump rope:
cathybites drew Ron at a county fair with anal beads *giggle*:
halogirl8 drew Cedric in the Prefect's bathroom with a sockpuppet :D
glockgal drew Luna at the motor cross with a whip:
Well, this is self-explanatory, I think.
marmaduke01 drew Tonks in the prefect's bathroom with puppets? Madame Hooch with dolls:
Mary; anyone know if she has a lj? She drew Rosmerta in the Forbidden Forest with a cauldron:
sherant drew Tom in the kitchen with lipstick:
silverhill drew Remus in a candy store with batteries:
waccawheels drew Luna on a tropical island with Slytherin's enchanted handcuffs:
uguisubari drew Neville, not sure of the rest. With a discoball in the Dept. of Mysteries.
tbranch Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest with an apple: My apologies. He's on THE MOON!!!
and last but not least, one of the round table sketches...