Title: Retribution Author: Whitesakura Rating: PG Pairing: Hephaistion/Alexander, Alexander/Bagoas Disclaimer: I don't own any of them. Summary: Hephaistion thinks there is such a thing as divine judgment.
Ah, you should so write more about these characters...you handle them so gracefully, and your prose is just...breathtaking.
Such a rich imagery in your writing, and symbolism. But there is also solidity, and strong characterization. How do you manage to balance between these two extremes is a mistery to me, but you do it magnificently.
florachan! When I first saw the Alexander movie, I went online searching for info and your fics were the first I discovered. Thank you so much for the praise! I'm a very visual writer, so that explains the imagery. I also really love similes. But the strong characterization is a new one to me.
Beautiful! The language is sheer poetry, the imagery is gorgeous. Extremely evocative, yet restrained way of dealing with the changes that Hephaistion faces - the then and now, Greece and Persia - the loss of innocence. Just lovely!
Comments 19
Such a rich imagery in your writing, and symbolism. But there is also solidity, and strong characterization. How do you manage to balance between these two extremes is a mistery to me, but you do it magnificently.
Thank you so much for posting the link to it on the MR community. I hope there will be much more from you in the future!
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