I jumped the gun a little but I'd watch it again XD
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
And I compiled an actual list. The good, the bad, the funny/other. Because I need to get it all out. My English teacher would be proud of my film analysis XDDD
The good
- Hermione erasing parents’ memories - Added a dimension which is something the book can’t do, being from the Harry-perspective. Loved the fading of her images from the photos and it was doubly tragic because I think it was implied they didn’t even know about her intentions ):
- Loved the opening montages of the trio leaving/waiting at their respective homes and it spoke a lot of things in a few short flashes and really, just the idea of their homes never being the same again
- OMG the murder of Charity Burbage! I actually really like the Death Eaters scene in general. Well played.
- Transformation of the seven Harrys - really smart way of showing the transformation with the circular camera pan and really witty heh~
- Café scene! Tongue in cheek with the waitress, though I wonder why she didn’t run out screaming instead of backing away. YOUR SHOP HAS BEEN BLOWN UP. HELLO?
- Really loved the Ministry takeover scene - again speaking loads in just visual symbols and few words. Loved how the camera panned up to the monolith/stone tower thingy with ‘magic is might’
- Dobby and Kreacher arguing with Mundungus. Adorable. Omggg Dobby’s shoes and clothes. WTF. WHY HASN’T HE BEEN IN THE LAST FOUR MOVIES? Quite a smooth way of slotting in characters that haven’t appeared since the second movie (was Kreacher in OotP and HBP??)
- Liked and was freaked out by the parallels to Nazism and wartime propaganda in the posters and in the armbands on the uniformed guards
- The setting up of the protective enchantments - scene with Hermione and Greyback drawn out just a little bit but it was really nice to see the panning camera again and the use of sound. Very nice :)
- Ron’s steady jealousy - again, I must really want this movie to be about montages, but the ones that were in it were generally quite well done. Would have liked to have Ron speaking a little more but the shadows under Ron’s eyes (seriously almost demonic!) says a lot
- Omg creepy scene with the snake - the suddenness was very well done
- For the record, Rupert Grint did the whole ‘abashed Ron’ very well. "...H-Hi?" Poor guy xD
Also: “Keep talking about that light going into your heart and she’ll come around” (something to that effect) LAWL~
- Can I say I really loved the transition between Xenophilius sending the crow out the window and into the Tale? Smooth and pretty (though you can still tell it's computer animated hmm)
- The Tale of the Three Brothers - really really lovely way of telling the story -the animations and…yeah, just beautiful
- Malfoy! Loved the hesitation and sense of conflict in him all the time. And Lucius was well played too. WHY IS NARCISSA’S HAIR LIKE THAT? WTF?
- The ‘Mudblood’ on Hermione’s arm. Very horrifying, very interesting idea (that wasn’t in the book) and really drives home the ideology of the Death Eaters. For some reason, I had the image of the Cruciatus curse being used on someone who was being suspended though
- Beautiful, beautiful cinematography - the light, the locations (omggg the stormy sky with that line of sunlit clouds in the sunset, the graveyard and the Forest of Dean!)
The bad
The thing is, I understand certain things are just hard to do with the budget and times, and I understand that not every line of the book can be translated to script and not every event is recorded. So I’ve divided this into the ‘bad’ for more budget/time/effort and the ‘bad’ I felt could have been changed more easily - the wording in the script, for instance, or the way a certain scene was shot. I know I’m being nitpicky but that’s how I see it
- Okay - stop trying to make Harry/Hermione happen. It’s not going to happen. And I’m saying this as an ex-Harry/Hermione shipper (it was before OotP okay >__>). YEAH. Dancing scene. What. I understand maybe they were going for those ‘moments of happiness’ amongst the gloom and doom, but this was when Ron was gone. JKR specifically emphasised in the book how much worse it became during that time and the H/Hr scene feels like a copout. Like…we’re so miserable…LET’S DANCE…and go back to being miserable. It just feels unnecessary and the time could have been saved for other things ):
- Godric’s Hollow. “It’s my birthplace. I don’t want to come as anyone but me”. YEAH. Way to imply to everyone Harry’s only concerned about himself and not their safety.
- You do not need to say ‘Hermione’ after every sentence or before every sentence Harry, especially in Godric’s Hollow. Because who talks like that? Especially with their close friends. And in a pair.
- Would it have cost a lot more to see Harry laying the flowers on his parents' graves by hand? So he’s not staring baldly at the grave? Please?
- Confused about that shot of Harry’s wand and then Hermione taking it? Because she would have been holding it when she used Reducto? Wouldn’t it have been more effective to show the wand being snapped in half than have the camera linger on it??
- Yeah, another meaningful line - come on, cut out 30 seconds from that dance scene and you would have made it awesome.
“Dumbledore knew I would walk out on you.”
“No, he knew you’d want to come back.”
- Ron saving Harry from drowning. Why isn’t there more shivering from Harry and more anger from Ron? And why does Harry sound so angry/offensive? Idk maybe it’s the directing. I DUNNO. Wasn’t feeling it.
- More passion Ron! Being dragged off to the cellar, Hermione being tortured? Why aren’t you glued to the bars of the door and screaming, “HERMIONE!” and “TAKE ME INSTEAD!” That was one of my favourite Ron lines! He should be wild and out of his mind! This is how R/Hr works!
- Lawl, where did Ron get a wand to knock Pettigrew out? And does this mean Pettigrew’s still technically alive?
- The tone of Dobby in the Malfoy Manor. What really touched and terrified and impressed me in the book was the fact that Dobby was literally petrified about being back in his old master’s house, but he did so anyway. He was strangely…chipper and blase in the film…he’s all ‘Oh. I’ve come to help Harry Potter of course!’ and ‘Come meet me at the top of the stairs!’ I didn’t get as big of a sense of how hard it was for him and what his courage cost him. Even when he loosens the chandelier, there’s this casualness (yes, I’m aware I’m talking about a computer generated character xD) about his position. He’s also a lot more wordy in the film…I felt there was so much power in his few spoken words in the book - ‘You shall not harm Harry Potter!’ and his simply repeating Harry’s name at Shell Cottage…yeah. I still teared up at that scene but it wasn’t like me bawling my eyes out on the pages of the book.
- Why don’t they explain they’re going to Shell Cottage? Just once? Ron yelling, ‘Go to Bill and Fleur’s at Shell Cottage!’ They just…Disapparate with Dobby.
- Poor Griphook doesn't get an introduction or a plea from Harry to lie about the sword
- Dan’s crying face. Best viewed at a distance. The camera lingered just a little too long
- Boo at Harry only asking whether Hermione was okay. Pssht.
- Boo at having no Luna and Bill and Fleur for Dobby’s funeral ):
The bad (more budget/time/effort)
- Polyjuice potion wearing off as Harry stands at the graveyard maybe? Just to show Harry’s not a complete arsehole about their safety ):
- Invisibility Cloak? WHY SO MIA? D: You were like…important and stuff. (I understand why you’re not there because we wouldn’t see anyone but. But. You’re a hallow!)
- Why did you leave Xenophilius to fall down near his lawn?? WHYYYYY?
The other/funny
- LAWL at the fact it was literally like: “Hi Harry! My name is Bill Weasley and I’m ready to sacrifice my life for you despite the fact we haven’t met!”
I suppose it was the best they could do, given the massive plot holes made by the previous movies so it’s not really a ‘bad’ but it was just funny to consider XD
- Ministry infiltration! OMG WHAT AN AWKWARD TURTLE Harry was wtffff (or Runcorn’s…actor). Ministry infiltration was really funny actually, in general.
- Ron: Hey, didn’t you say you needed a wand? OH WELL HERE YOU GO