Title: Where Words Are Scarce (1/1)
Author: Aerial312
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Alice/Jasper
Table/Prompt: Epsilon/Breath
Word Count: 1, 725
Summary: Blood typing at school makes for a stressful day for everyone.
Author's Notes: Alice's POV.
The back of my throat was beginning to burn, as the sweet smell of human blood wafted down the hallway from Mr. Banner's classroom. )
Comments 3
My favorite line was "Can we stay out here until lunch? It's almost third period," he noted. "If I take in a little more of you, and this fresh air, I can do it." Awww, he wants his Alice. I absolutely loved that. Oh, and I loved this line "I got to spend a class period-" he looked at his watch, "Two class periods sitting alone in the woods with my wife.", too!
The best part is that you show how much Jasper clearly does EVERYTHING for Alice.
Thank you so, so much for linking me to the story! Please be sure to link me to anything else you write. I don't want to miss anything of yours.
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