Apr 09, 2023 12:00
- Sat, 13:13: The speaker of the house is actually saying that the two Reps expelled can't be chosen by the people who have the right to choose because they're expelled until the next Congress which violates the Tennessee constitution! Will somebody hold these #reprobates to the law? #TN3
- Sat, 13:14: RT @ tedlieu: Let’s call this what it is: MAGA
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Apr 08, 2023 12:00
- Fri, 14:11: The Republican racist who authored a resolution to expel two black members of the legislature representing $130,000 tennesseans who are now without representation is a lying bigot and don't believe anything else about him because he doubts himself in his speech! #Liar
- Fri, 14:11: RT @ Stonekettle: Well, mass shooters aren't killing
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Mar 28, 2023 12:00
- Mon, 13:07: In what universe does a gun belong on your Christmas card? Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace and you and your stupid gun can stay the hell out of my home!
- Mon, 13:08: RT @ ellievhall: This is your regular reminder that "Sam Hyde" (and "Samantha Hyde" this time) is a 4chan meme. Trolls try to make him go vi…
- Mon, 14:16:
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Mar 27, 2023 12:00
- Sun, 14:42: #Dragrace my favorite teacher was a history teacher I had in high school that always encouraged us to delve into an area that we were unfamiliar with to learn more and then share with the class!
- Sun, 16:02: In what Universe does Jim Jordan think he has the right to demand that Alvin Bragg open up his investigation to the congress?
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