Title: The Looking Glass (2/2)
Pairing: Kibum x Eeteuk
Rating: PG18
Author: twilight_ave
Summary: Eeteuk’s POV, a companion to Sick Cycle Carousel where Eeteuk needs to be loved and is asking in all the wrong places until it stops being the wrong place to ask.
A/N: It took me centuries but really, I was thinking of writing this one out already when
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Comments 5
I immensely enjoyed that! And I'm still a sucker for the angst you write and it all makes perfect sense! I ache for Eeteuk T_T
And because I really need to spam your journal XD
How are you doing?? Still in China? I'm back home since end of July and it still is kinda awkward. But I managed to cook Gong bao ji ding a few days ago and it actually tasted nearly as good as the one you get in Beijing's restaurants! *happy*
*leaves cookies and a hug*
omygod you know how to make Gong Bao Ji Ding???? pls pls post up the process in your lj so i can try it out myself as well ^__^
yea i'm still here in beijing.I'll be here until mid-dec (keeping my fingers crossed that dbsk will have their concert already b4 then)
Well, I just googled for a recipe and tried the one that sounded the best and it actually was really good. Only next time I need to cut the chilis to smaller pieces XD
When I'm back home (visiting friends right now) I'll post up the recipe for you ^^
I really keep my fingers crossed for you!!!! But as they're in Taiwan in octobre I guess you're really, really lucky! And I'm really really envious...you have to take at least 2563820947592024637 pictures and show them to me! And if you meet them, you have to tell Yoochun about my undying love for him, yes? XD
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