Voting Closes on Sunday, September 19th @ 5:00 PM EST!
1. Unless there is a very good reason not to read a story (if there are warnings for rape, extreme sexual/graphic content, etc), then you must read all stories when voting.
2. ALL stories should be given EQUAL standing, no matter the characters, show or relationships, etc focused throughout the story.
3. You may not vote against a story simply because of ...
- its word count (you think it's too short or too long)
- you don't agree/like/etc the relationship written about in the story
- you don't agree/like/etc the character(s) written about in the story
- the story has slash and you don't agree with or like slash
- the story was an AU or wasn't an AU and you do/don't prefer AUs
- the story was a crossover or wasn't a crossover and you do/don't prefer crossovers
4. You may vote for a winning story because ...
- it was the best written
- uses the prompt in the best and creative way
5. Encourage your friends to vote is acceptable. Do not encourage your friends to vote for YOUR story, however. If they do, they do. If its found out, you were telling people (anyone) to vote for your story (even in general) or specifically which story is yours, whatever, you will removed, no questions asked.
6. DO NOT, discuss your vote with anyone until after voting has ended. If it is found out that votes were discussed and that either/both parties' votes were biased, or there seems to be some kind of collusion, the votes WILL NOT COUNT. If the author/s of said comments are still writing, they will be removed.
7. You are voting for the BEST story (not necessarily your favorite, but the best written - see the difference? there is one, promise!) and the story you think was the LEAST well written (not the one you disliked the most, but least well written, again, there is a difference). Please ASK or clarify if you don't understand the difference!
8. When you vote, you must give a reason, not just picking which one you thought was best or worst.
9. The following are an example of bad and good voting;
ACCEPTABLE: I vote for [insert story title here] as best story because the characterization of [insert character here] was right on and the dialogue sounded like it came right out of the show.
ACCEPTABLE: I vote for [insert story title here] as the one that is the worst because it clearly ignores the canon from [insert show/episode here], without establishing in any way that the story is an AU. (this is if AUs are acceptable for that prompt)
NOT ACCEPTABLE: I vote for [insert story here] as best story because [insert pairing here] is just the cutest pairing ever!
NOT ACCEPTABLE: I vote for [insert story here] as the worst story because who could possibly think that [insert character here] would pair up with [insert character here]?
Feedback can be as detailed as you like, but must have at least one solid reason for voting the story up or down.
10. Current writers in the current round may vote. You may not vote for yourself at all (I will check and if you do, you get automatically removed).
11. Writers who have been removed from the current round are absolutely encouraged to continue voting too!
12. Anyone may vote, including the writers, who may NOT vote for themselves.
13. ALL votes are screened and anonymous - now and forever! I will never tell you who voted which way nor who gave which specific comments.
14. You MUST vote for BOTH Best and Worst, if you submit a vote for only Best, it will NOT be accepted!
15. There is a comment thread below called 'QUESTIONS' where you may ask any questions you may have about voting, how to do it, what is acceptable, etc.
16. Copy and paste the following info and paste it in a new comment to the VOTING comment (this will make it go into a filter, if you post it as a new comment it will NOT get to me but get lost in my email!)
Entries 1-5 Entries 6-10 Entries 11-15 Best Written Story Title:
Best Written Story Reason:
Worst Written Story Title:
Worst Written Story Reason:
Prompt: [insert character name here] dreams about [insert character name here]
DO NOT make a new comment when voting, REPLY to the VOTING comment I made below!