Failure to communicate

Aug 01, 2005 21:36

As you all know, I'm new to this. So, i was asking my buddy how to use lj-cuts. It was a nightmare. So i present to you:

SpecterHand: ( Some old survey that I found somewhere. )
SpecterHand: thats the thing
ChAoS X MaX: ah
SpecterHand: yeah i wanted to know how to do that
ChAoS X MaX: ?
ChAoS X MaX: oh
ChAoS X MaX: well
ChAoS X MaX: at the botom of the survey
ChAoS X MaX: it says something about taking one
SpecterHand: no lol
ChAoS X MaX: when you finish you can copy the thing they provide
ChAoS X MaX: eep?
SpecterHand: ( Special Thanks )
ChAoS X MaX: what then?
ChAoS X MaX: eep?
ChAoS X MaX: whada ya mean?>
SpecterHand: like
SpecterHand: ( Beginning of Disaster )

SpecterHand: or
ChAoS X MaX: ????
SpecterHand: ( The Secret of Magic )

ChAoS X MaX: i see
SpecterHand: lol...
ChAoS X MaX: you mean lj cuts
SpecterHand: yeah
ChAoS X MaX: hold on..
ChAoS X MaX: type something else here

SpecterHand: fgysg
ChAoS X MaX: eep?
SpecterHand: uh
ChAoS X MaX: er wait
SpecterHand: type something else here

SpecterHand: so i typed
SpecterHand: fgysg
SpecterHand: haha i think we have a failure to communicate
ChAoS X MaX: *this is where you put the thing you want to be cutted*

ChAoS X MaX: something= whatever youw ant it to say instead
SpecterHand: k im so putting this on my lj
SpecterHand: and calling it
SpecterHand: Failure to communicate
ChAoS X MaX: lol ok


ChAoS X MaX: you put the content in between the thing

SpecterHand: Ok
SpecterHand: put it between what?!?!
SpecterHand: what html. phbbb/ w/e coding?
ChAoS X MaX: replace it with PUT CONTENT HERE
ChAoS X MaX: eh?
ChAoS X MaX: what you talkin about
SpecterHand: wait
ChAoS X MaX: er
SpecterHand: so you're telling me to erase what i said
ChAoS X MaX: replace PUT COMMENT HERE with your content
SpecterHand: and write spmething tottally new
ChAoS X MaX: ...
SpecterHand: wait
ChAoS X MaX: ...
SpecterHand: ChAoS X MaX: replace it with PUT CONTENT HERE
SpecterHand: yeah
ChAoS X MaX: yeah forget that
SpecterHand: replace PUT COMMENT HERE with your content
SpecterHand: im so
SpecterHand: confused
ChAoS X MaX: content!!!

SpecterHand: but i know what you mean
ChAoS X MaX: oook
SpecterHand: ok lets start over
ChAoS X MaX: >_>
SpecterHand: say i write
SpecterHand: BLAH BLAH
SpecterHand: noq
ChAoS X MaX: ok
SpecterHand: now*
SpecterHand: what?
ChAoS X MaX: blah blah is your content?
SpecterHand: its a genric test thing
SpecterHand: generic*
ChAoS X MaX: is blah blah your content???
SpecterHand: yes
SpecterHand: yes it is
ChAoS X MaX: blah blah

SpecterHand: yes
SpecterHand: that is my content
ChAoS X MaX: ok thats what you do
ChAoS X MaX: except text can = something else
SpecterHand: ... so i type in blah blah and click "update journal?"
ChAoS X MaX: blah blah
ChAoS X MaX: yeah...
SpecterHand: but then it just gives me the -oh nvm ill check help or something


SpecterHand: ChAoS X MaX: you type in
ChAoS X MaX: ????
ChAoS X MaX: wtf
SpecterHand: ...
SpecterHand: lol
ChAoS X MaX: augh
SpecterHand: maunally type it
ChAoS X MaX: i'm totally confusioned
ChAoS X MaX: ?
SpecterHand: if you copy and paste
SpecterHand: it will be invisible
ChAoS X MaX: EH?
ChAoS X MaX: really?
SpecterHand: yes
ChAoS X MaX: ook
SpecterHand: ChAoS X MaX: you type in
SpecterHand: thats all is aw
SpecterHand: saw*
ChAoS X MaX: ????
ChAoS X MaX: youre kidding
SpecterHand: nope
SpecterHand: ChAoS X MaX: you type in
SpecterHand: thats it
ChAoS X MaX: here what does this say
ChAoS X MaX: Test
SpecterHand: ChAoS X MaX: Test
ChAoS X MaX: wtf
ChAoS X MaX: wow

And of course, some stories have an ironic twist

SpecterHand: look ive figurred out the problem
SpecterHand: its neither you or I
ChAoS X MaX:


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