The first day of classes sucked. That thing Professor Tsunade did, walking up the wall, that was cool though. At least I don't have Professor Snape this year.
You shouldn't get drunk ever. It kills way too many brain cells. That and yes, hangovers are a bi-.. well they suck.. hem. Not that Ive ever gotten drunk... on purpose
Hehe, well at least its hard to picture me that way ^_^
That ~would~ be a symptom of being drunk. hehe, good thing it was with people you could ~trust~ to look out for you.. well Al anyways... or were you all drunk? If so, I'm pretty sure that would be fun to watch.. hehe.
Comments 7
I don't plan on doing it again. XP Besides the hangover, I was acting like such a moron... I'm just glad it was only me, Rabi and Al. -.-
That ~would~ be a symptom of being drunk. hehe, good thing it was with people you could ~trust~ to look out for you.. well Al anyways... or were you all drunk? If so, I'm pretty sure that would be fun to watch.. hehe.
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