The Basics
Name: Annabel
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Oxfordshire, UK
Your Weaknesses: I'm quite ditzy, VERY clumsy, sometimes I'm really vain - but other times I don't think that much of myself, I complain A LOT - mainly about being cold or tired or hungry, and I'm really hot-headed with a VERY short temper. Oh and sometimes I'm quite bitchy, and sarcastic. Oh, that's quite a lot of negatives :S
Your Strengths: I think I'm friendly to everyone, I try to see the best in people, and I'm loyal to the people I love
Your Talents: Don't think I've got any really :S
Favourite Colour(s) and why?: Red because it reminds me of autumn leaves :)
Favourite Twilight Character(s) and why?: Jacob, because he's like sunshine, and Alice, because she is too! Jacob is also the funniest character; he's got some great lines, especially in Breaking Dawn.
Favourite Animal(s) and why?: Dogs, because they're loyal and loveable :) and Arctic seals because they are reeeeally cute and fluffy :)
Favourite Place(s) and why?: My bed, God I could stay there all day! Especially in winter; I wish I could hybernate!
Favourite Movie(s) and why?: Titanic because it's beautiful and heartbreaking and makes me cry EVERYTIME. I also love Bridget Jones' Diary (my mum says I remind her of Bridget Jones but I really don't see how :S). Oooh and Harry Potter (especially number 4, eh? ;] ), but the books are better than the films...
Favourite Book(s) and why?: I love New Moon; it's full of Jacob, and at the same time, when I get Edward back at the end, I'm ecstatic :D But I would probably have to say that Twilight is my favourite, just because it's the most exciting Edward and Bella-wise, and marks the beginning of my OBSESSION. Other books I love are... the Harry Potter books - J.K. Rowling (I wish I'd written them!), The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffeneger (I love the way it's written, and it's just really lovely really), and Tess of the D'urbervilles -Thomas Hardy (because Tess is awesome!).
Favourite Television Show(s) and why?: I love Hollyoaks because it's trashy but addictive :) Ditto Desperate Housewives.
Favourite Food(s) and why?: Nandos. I just love it! Mango and lime sauce = love.
Twilight Related
Which character would you like to be your best friend? Why? I think Alice or Jacob would be great to have around; Jacob because he's got a great sense of humour (and he'd keep me warm, which would be nice seeing as I'm ALWAYS cold), and Alice because she's lovely; she's really excitable and bouncy and she loves shopping!
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? It's between Edward and Emmett; Edward because he's beautiful, romantic and possessive (which is strangely attractive, although probably only in him), and Emmett because he's a nice big strong man ;) he'd make me laugh (he's got a dirtier mind than I have!), and he could handle my mood swings just fine (well he puts up with Rosalie, doesn't he?!)
If it was between becoming a vampire or a werewolf, which would you become? Vampire... I'm kinda pale so I'd fit in just fine :)
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? Make sure I told everyone I love how much they mean to me
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
Family, Love, Self, Money, Power
Anything else?
Stephenie Meyer rocks xx