Nope, not about a novel or play, but my day was long and it's now night. I had to do some morning prop shopping, came back for a three-hour class discussing the ancient Sumerian myths on the goddess Inanna (and believe me, after three hours, it's even more confusing and dull). I then had to go around getting even more props (and more wrist glove thingys for a diva actor :) and went to Wal-Mart THREE times in one day (a new one-day record...and I hate it there) and every other big store here in SF. I saw Dax Shepard (he was standing looking intently at the props onon the table (the other actors aren't there yet ;). Yep, now I'm just watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. I can't wait to go to bed :) Damn, they just touted a Harry Potter-lookalike and then didn't show him (he's a Swiss alpine skier). I better go to bed. Night.