May 11, 2011 22:34
Welcome to the Twilight Big Bang 2011 Rules Page. By signing up to participate in this big bang, you're agreeing to all of the rules listed below. Breaking the rules could result in your fanwork not being validated and accepted in this season's big bang. If you don't understand a rule or fear you're breaking or could break a certain rule, please contact the moderator at
The Twilight Big Bang Challenge is an event aimed at generating long-worded fanfictions and other fanworks about Stephenie Meyer's The Twilight Saga.
Now for the Rules.
Fanworks must involve the Twilight books in some way. As long as one of your main characters appear somewhere in the series (and not just in interviews with Stephenie Meyer), then you're good to go.
If you're an author, your fanfiction must meet the following criteria in order to be included in the 2011 Big Bang:
1.] The fanfiction must be an original work that has not been posted anywhere else-either in full as a work in progress. These fanfictions will not be eligible for the challenge and will not be posted on October 1st with the others. Also, fanfictions that you have already finished writing or have written a large portion of (the limit for these fanfictions are 5,000 words with NO EXCEPTIONS and will have to be validated by the moderator) are not eligible for the challenge either.
2.] The fanfiction must be at least 20,000 words long. This is not including the information in the header, summary, or author's notes. This rule will be closely monitored and fanfictions that fall short will not be posted in the big bang.
3.] There is no maximum word count, but the fanfiction must be completed at the time of posting. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Fanfictions that are missing the ending, middle, or the beginning of the plot will be rejected, regardless of how long they are.
5.] A summary of the fanfiction must be submitted to the moderator by the first official check in which is Monday, June 20th -- if you do not submit your summary by the first check in but DO submit the proper word count, you will be excused from this rule.
6.] A complete, beta-d final draft of the fanfiction must be submitted to the moderator no later than September 30th UNLESS you've contacted the moderator about a possible extension. Only one extension of three days will be given, and only if the author has contacted the moderator before September 30th.
7.] All fanfictions must remain exclusive to the Twilight Big Bang Archive until two weeks after it's posted. (i.e. if it's posted on October 1st, you cannot post it elsewhere until October 15th. If it's posted on October 3rd, you cannot post it elsewhere until October 18th.)
8.] All fanfictions must have tags in place for formatting, moderators will not add them for you -- , ,
If you're an artist, your fanart must meet the following criteria in order to be included in the 2011 Big Bang:
1.] The fanart must be an original work that has not been previously posted anywhere else, either in full or as a work in progress. Every piece of art or media must be created specifically for the big bang.
2.] The fanart must contain Twilight characters.
3.] The fanart must be rated.
4.] A draft or summary of the fanart must be submitted to the moderator by the first check in on Monday, June 20th - if you do not submit a draft OR summary by this date; you will be emailed and possibly dropped from the big bang if you do not at least tell us what you're producing.
5.] All fanart must remain exclusive to the Twilight Big Bang Archive until two weeks after it's posted. (i.e. if it's posted on October 1st, you cannot post it elsewhere until October 15th. If it's posted on October 3rd, you cannot post it elsewhere until October 18th.) This DOES NOT include photo-hosting websites.
If you're interested in doing other fanworks besides fanfiction and hand-drawn fanart, they must meet the following criteria in order to be included in the 2011 Big Bang:
Icons: You will be expected to produce a batch of 80 icons by September 30th. This means you will be expected to have 20 icons done by each monthly check in. The dimensions must be 100x100. No exceptions on size.
Banners: (these banner will not be affiliated with any story the big bang produces) - You will be expected to produce 12 banners by September 30th. This means you will have to turn in 3 at check monthly check in. The dimensions can be no bigger than 650x250 and no 'sneak peeks' of a smaller size are required. No exceptions on maximum size.
Fanmixes: You are expected to produce at least 2 fanmixes and no more than 4 over the course of the 4 months. You must have front and back cover art (the back containing the track-list) and at least 7 songs with at least 4 lines of lyrics from the songs. The front and back cover art must not exceed 425x425. We're being strict about the size, so no exceptions will be made!!
Fanvideos: You will be expected to produce one fanvideo by September 30th. You must submit the song you're using for the video by the first check in which is Monday, June 20th to be validated by the moderator.
Manips: You are expected to produce a minimum of 8 manips by September 30th. Any size is acceptable, but we are asking that makers produce a 'sneak peek' of the manip if it exceeds 650x250. The 'sneak peek' must be 650x25o which will serve as a link to the full sized manip.
• All fanworks are exclusive to The Twilight Big Bang Archive until 2 weeks after it's posting date. This DOES NOT include photo or video hosting websites.
• ONE extension will be given. The extension is ONLY for 3 days!! No exceptions or excuses.
• If you have ANY other ideas for fanworks, please contact us. We're pretty much open to anything you can create and post to the web to share!
• If you've read all of these rules, please put "Twilight Big Bang" in the subject line of your sign-up form. Please note that if this is missing, you'll be asked to read the rules again and if you're here reading the rules again because you didn't have it in your subject line: :P
If you have any questions or comments please email us at; be sure to put the area of your concern in the subject line or else your email might get deleted without being read.