:) Anyone still out there? Just checking in. I've been back in Florida for a couple of years. Just made a post over at my rarely updated food journal, if anyone is interested in the slow, weird progression that is Kathy's appetite. Username:
In the last few years, I've become middle-aged. Oh, and I have a radio show again, Saturday nights
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Comments 9
Have missed you!
Crazy unrequited love counts, even as it cuts, as always, as always. *hugs*
Do you still teach? And how is your family? I was just telling my nephew today about how we sent each other care packages of sweets. *hugs hugs*
My family are fine, that's the short answer. The real answer is my family is a huge fucked up mess including brain injury in my brother, near crippling arthritis in my mother, a nephew that can't be looked after by my brother and his fiance - blah blah blah, it's just messy and would take more than one cup of coffee to talk it through.
I've lost 15kgs (about 30 pound apparently *shrugs*) I haven't finished, but I will get there! I spent a lot of time not moving and just watching TV it's time to change that.
We should totally do another care package! Keep our spirits up in this time of crazy global stupidness! Take care.
I recall your brother had suffered an injury. On the job, I think? I hope he and your mom find relief soon. Me, (don't panic; this will be taken care of, I'm sure of it)I've been diagnosed with fibroid tumors. Not so out of the ordinary for a woman my age, especially when my mom and others in the family had them too. I may be getting some thoroughly modern medical treatment soon, the "modern" being what I've been holding out for.
I'm all for another care package, although I'd hate to slow down your incredible fitness progress! You've lost a lot. You must feel wonderful. :D
Kitties are the greatest, imho. I've been spending some time on www.thesquirrelboard.com, where some great people go out of their way to help injured, sick, orphaned and pet squirrels. Probably any other squirrel they might run into, as well. Right-wing psycho squirrels, ninja squirrels with a heart of gold, single mom squirrels who feel they should be able to have a career too, etc.
What kind of projects are you working on? Hey, do you know if I should be able to get a bookbinding awl at Michael's or Hobby Lobby? If not those, then where? Got any ideas?
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