This. Is. Fucking. Enough.

Aug 10, 2004 19:15

This is starting to annoy me. Really really really badly.
This definitely needs to be addressed.
It's on the subject of:

1. People hating on straight edge. Do you NOT have anything else to complain about? Just because someone doesn't drink or do drugs doesn't mean they're not a cool person. They just don't want to have to deal with the pressures of drugs, what they do to you, consequences, or possibly getting into trouble. Why is it such a damn party when someone "breaks edge"? Why does it matter if someone is straight edge or not? Because it doesn't matter.

2. People advocating on straight edge. If someone breaks edge, why do -you- care? It doesn't affect you, and the person who did break edge already probably feels bad enough! It doesn't affect who they are, we all fuck up somehow or another, why isolate them on their mistake and tell them this shit when they're very well aware. And really, why does it matter if someone isn't straight edge? It doesn't hurt you. All you have to do is ask them not to do anything around you, simple as that.

3. Seriously, labels are for cans, and straight-edge is becoming a label. But do what you want, whatever.

Personally, I don't give a damn if someone is straight edge or not. It doesn't matter to me if someone breaks it, it doesn't matter if someone is, it doesn't matter if someone isn't. Why get in other people's business? It doesn't change how I feel about anyone. It's NOT my business, and it's none of yours either if it's not your own. So seriously, just shut up about it and leave it alone. It would cool off a SHITLOAD of drama that I'm (and loads of other people) are already sick of.

-EDIT- After this post, I don't want to hear another argument, or really another word about straight-edge, bad or good. I don't have problems with straight-edgers, nor do I have problems with anyone who is not. I want to make that clear.

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