heh yup no man creatures = dramaless. or at least i think thats what you were refering to. i know you know most of the stuff that happend is from ending up going out with the wrong person then conflict arises thus drama becomes dominate. i miss you fuckin mad crazy! coooooooooooome back. at least for a weekend or something
fuck yeah!!! dude theres so much drama and shit that goes on there and im going to tell you right now everyone in your class will eventilly, if not your first moth, turn against eachother. i dont fuckin talk to anyone anymore. im fuckin happy someone kick ass is comming. ill definately give you a call
I think I already told you but I really like your red hair...I used to have red hair because I was obsessed with Shirly Manson but it kept washing out and looking pink hehe I had copper hair for a long time but it's all good becuase I really like my black hair. Wow I'm rambling about nothing, sorry, all I'm tring to say is you look really cute <3 *mauh* And I flippin miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments 11
i miss you fuckin mad crazy! coooooooooooome back. at least for a weekend or something
we need to hang out again, man. you should give me a call sometime and we'll kick it. 2064273487.
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