:: You
Name: Caitriona
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Original - Quil & Couple - Emily & Carlisle
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:: Evil Does Well
What defines a villain for you? Why? Someone who puts their own opinions, needs, or desires ahead of others - without consideration.
What is the best back-story (past) a villain can have, and why? Turning to villainy due to someone else hurting her or her family - I dislike the idea of being true evil, but I can understand (not always approve) when someone seeks justice/revenge.
What should be a villain's perfect weapon, and why? Her intelligence - anything can be a weapon, but only the intelligent ones have a chance to thrive.
What is the appropriate weakness for the ultimate villain, and why? Her heart - love would be the true defeat for any villain.
:: The Evils of the World
Name a few of your favorite literary/t.v./movie villains: Amon Goeth (Schindler's List); Jadis/White Witch (Narnia); Sauron (Middle Earth)
Choose one (of the mentioned above) villain and explain why he's the perfect villain: Sauron (Middle Earth) - He doesn't have a single form that one can stand up to - instead, he works through others, infecting even good people with suspicions and distrust. In order to truly fight him, you have to fight his minions as well as trying to spread goodness at the same time. To do both is difficult - impossible when people choose to be apathetic. This makes him the most dangerous type of villain.
:: This or That
Works Alone or Leads an Army? Works alone
Angry or Numb? Angry
Capable of Love or Incapable of Love? Capable
Eerily Sane or Completely Insane? Insane
Blood-hungry or Revenge-Seeking? Revenge seeking
God-complex or Problem with Authority? Problem with Authority
:: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
The villain of your story once belonged to a 'happy' family, until something happens, and they're dead. What do you think happened? This brings to mind the mafia stories, so I would say and old enemy comes back and kills his rivals. Now, their blood calls for vengeance.
The villain of your story falls in love with a girl, but another man claims her (being richer and better). What do you think this does to him? Breaks his heart - probably the last straw to pushing him into darkness - maybe from a lifetime of rejection.
The villain of your story had been holding a woman ransom - occasionally torturing her - and for some reason, when someone's about to kill him, she stops them. What should be his reaction? Shock - this would stun him long enough for her and the rescuer to either get away or capture him.
:: Because votes are still a must...