Where damage isn't already done

Dec 30, 2011 01:09

Title: "Safekeeping"
Fandom: Boardwalk Empire
Pairing/Characters: Jimmy/Richard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,540
Disclaimer: I own nothing Boardwalk Empire wise
Warnings:  None
Notes:  For freaky_nea

Takes place during Season 2, episode 11.
Summary: Richard is always there to pick up the pieces. Richard takes care of Jimmy's injuries. Major h/c ensues.

I'm not afraid )

boardwalk empire. pairing: jimmy/richard, rating pg-13, fan fiction

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Comments 5

freaky_nea December 30 2011, 13:59:45 UTC
This scene deserved a fic andit turned out wonderfully!

Of course it's Richard, who puts Jimmy back together, quite literally, and keeps him together and they both know it. And then there is everything else that lingers between them, that you captured so perfectly!

“I’m not afraid.”

Jimmy’s arm trembles slightly giving him away but Richard pretends not to notice.

Richard knows his words have more than one meaning.

Richard moves to smooth some hair away from his forehead before cupping his cheek lightly.

“I know. Mmph.”

This! That's them in a nutshell! <3

I had such a crappy day or rather night and that's exactly what I needed! Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts! Thank you so much for this!



twilightthief December 31 2011, 04:43:19 UTC
Im glad you liked it :)


(The comment has been removed)

twilightthief January 11 2012, 21:29:37 UTC
Oh thank you!

Glad you enjoyed it!


ophelivia March 18 2012, 07:51:41 UTC
I am so glad you decided to put your own spin on this moment. I'm going to miss them so much!


twilightthief March 19 2012, 01:51:58 UTC

I am too. They'll always live on in fandom though, at least for me :)


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