Who: The Fifth Doctor and OPEN!
When: Day 50!
Where: Town Square!
Well, then. That was a fine how d'you do if he'd ever walked into one. The Doctor gazed around him, still somewhat dazed, turning slowly in place. He could have sworn he'd gone fro the library to the TARDIS in search of some sort of pesticide, or perhaps a more humane alternative; while detrimental to the archives and annoying in and of themselves, he was fairly certain the locusts couldn't help it--they might have been just as shocked to find themselves there as he'd been to find them.
This, however, was bringing him uncomfortably close to his daily limit of being startled. The strange man's words echoed still in his memory, and after a moment, he stared dumbly back down at his hand and the envelope it held. His first thought, of course, had been that he was finally meeting the Admiral in close quarters, but even the Admiral had never seemed that cryptic or detached.
Well... detached, maybe. But not so clinically.
He looked up to the town around him again, unsure of what to do from there. Perhaps sitting might be a good idea. That... sounded a rather splendid one, actually, and so he did. On the ground. He'd probably come to terms with things in a moment.