Title: A Million Miles
Group/Pairing: Ohno Satoshi x Sakurai Sho [Arashi]
Prompt: 45. Miles
Word Count: 605
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Grown adults were not supposed to feel like this and Sho’s onto his tricks.
Disclaimer: I do not know any of these people and by no means do I intend to disrespect, slander, or imply anything about them. While it’
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Comments 11
Anyway, thanks very much for the comment, too, and not just pointing out my fail. ^_^
haha~ awww.. it's interesting because i haven't found so much of Yama pair fics, and when i read yours, it's like a new perspective :)
aww.. Riida missed Sho-chan already~ sweet love!
thanks for this~<3
Anyway, thanks for the comments and reading. And do look forward to upcoming smexy!
I liked it though.
Quite sad. I look forward to the happy smuttiness.
I'm almost proud of myself.
I look forward to happy smuttiness as well.
I start to realize how much I miss this ShoXOhno pairing after I read your fic.
*goes to dig up the old ShoXOhno fics I saved*
XD Simple but nice. I love this.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate it more than you could ever know. ^_^
If you have times, writing long story, please
Thanks for reading and commenting. Its very much appreciated.
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