[ooc: This was answered as per Sollux's personality so it'll be abrupt and to the point. I wanted to really capture his character, so I worked hard on answering this how I thought he would answer it.]
Backtagging: that2 fiine ii 2uppo2e
Threadhopping: a2k fiir2t ii dont miind 2o long a2 iit2 not a priivate thread
Fourthwalling: fourthwalliing what ii2 that iim not familiar wiith thii2 term
Which means no, not with this character.
Offensive subjects: The MIND HONEY. Don't mention it. At all.
♊ MIND HONEY: eatiing the miind honey ii dont fiind iit funny so plea2e dont briing iit up or joke about iit
♊ Aradia's death: ii dont want two talk about iit and ii certaiinly dont want to remember iit
♊ Vriska Serket: iim not fond of her and after what she made me do ii diisliike her even more ii want nothiing to do wiith her
♊ Eridan Amproa: our relatiion2hiip ii2 between the two of u2 and ii dont want any one meddliing iin iit
♊ Faygo: ii dont liike faygo so ii dont want to driink iit
♊ Sopor Slime Pies: gamzee ii2 welcome two eat all of them iincludiing my share thank2 ii dont 2ee any poiint iin eatiing 2uch a 2ubtance
Hugging: huggiing ii 2uppo2e that2 fiine but why would you want to hug me
Kissing: kii22iing arent thiing2 moviing a liittle two fa2t for u2 two 2uddenly 2tart kii22iing ii 2uppo2e iif we are KE2ME2II2 or MATE2PRIITE2
Flirting: hate-fliirtiing ii2 acceptable ye2 but do ii have two fliirt back iim a liittle 2hy
Romantic interest toward this character: erm 2ure ii gue22 that2 fiine ii2nt that what weve been dii2cu22iing all along
Fighting with this character: ye2 ii can fiight wiith you ii2 thii2 black-rom fiightiing or fiightiing for my liife or 2ome other kiind of fiightiing?
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): miinor iinjury ii2 fiine ii can handle iit and iit2 kiind of expected between KE2ME2II2 iid rather not be hurt two 2eriiou2ly though
This means that minor injury is fine, like bruises and broken bones. Anything more than that and I want you to PM me. Also, just because I say it's fine doesn't mean I'll be okay if you suddenly break his arm. I'd like some warning first.
a2 for liimiit2 on my power2 what kind of liimiit2 are you thiinkiing of?
Limits on his powers are fine. You can limit his visions of the future or his psychic powers. Again, I'd like a heads up before you do this. You can also limit the voices in his head. That would be gladly welcomed by him.
Killing this character: kiill me why would you want two kiill me ii dont want to diie ii already diied once and iit wa2 paiinfull ii dont want two have two diie agaiin even iif ii know ii wiill 2ome day
You can kill him so long as he can be revived. And while at this point, he hasn't died from the Vast Glub yet, I'd still prefer he didn't die.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities: ii dont liike people who u2e theyre miind2 two read thought2 they can u2ually do other thiing2 wiith theiir miind2 too liike control me the way Vri2ka diid
Uhh, that won't go over well. At all. Just so you know. If you use your mind powers, he will never fully trust you. Ever. But if you want to, sure.
Revealing that character's future or intended fate: ii dont need any one two tell me what wiill happen iin the future ii already saw iit iin my vii2iion2 ii can 2ee the future remember?
He won't put much stock into what you're saying if you do.
Warnings: none that ii can thiink of except dont liie two me ii dont appreciiate liie2 and omiitiing the truth ii2 the 2ame a2 lyiing
He's Sollux. This means he's stubborn, moody, bipolar, obsessed with computers, easily angered and easily appeased, has a bit of a superiority complex, finds all humans inferior, is a planner and is surprisingly honest.
♊ Don't mention the subjects he hates, mainly Vriska or MIND HONEY.
♊ Don't read his mind.
♊ Don't try to manipulate him. He's smarter than you think and he'll probably see through your plans. If and when he does, you will lose his trust forever.
♊ He gets drunk when he drinks Faygo.
♊ He gets high when he eats Gamzee's pies.
♊ KK (Karkat) is probably the only one who can get him to do anything willingly.
♊ He is only meek and submissive with Feferi.
♊ The only one I will accept as kesmesis for him is Eridan. (I'm hoping for it, actually.) He won't enter into kesmesis with anyone else, especially not Vriska. --revised note-- I might accept Karkat for this role.
♊ He is friends with Terezi.
♊ Kanaya intimidates him.
Sexual Permissions:
Preferences: ii dont under2tand the que2tiion
Bi, like all the trolls. They don't put as much stock in "preferences" and view that as mainly a "human" thing.
Fondling: that ii2 2uch an embarra22iing and iinappopriiate que2tiion!
XD Ha ha yes that's fine.
Heavy petting: why are you a2kiing me all the2e embarra22iing que2tiion2
Sure. x3 That's perfectly alright.
Sex: do you mean gettiing a bucket together arent we a liittle young to be worryiing about bucket2
Basically? Yes. It's fine.
Favorite Kinks: kiink2 what are kiink2?
Wet clothes. New positions, mixing it up, anything but missionary. Also, he's a bit of an S because of the kesimesis quadrant so inflicting/receiving a little pain is fine too.
Kinks I Wanna Try Out: ii dont under2tand any of thii2 wiill 2omebody plea2e explaiin thi2 or teach iit two me?
Surprise sex. Light bondage. Light S &M.
Bondage: thii2 2ound2 dangerou2 ii dont thiink ii want two…
Light stuff is fine.
S & M Play: what doe2 thii2 mean ii2 iit anythiing liike bondage iif iit ii2 ii dont want two try iit
Light stuff.
Rape: what no thii2 ii2 wrong iim not okay wiith thii2 ii 2houldnt even have two an2wer thii2 kiind of que2tiion
The answer to this is no. Not even for supposed "kesimesis" it's still a no.
Anything else:
Kidnapping: why would you want two kiidnap me that make2 no 2en2e
Yes. That would be awesome.
Held Captive: all the2e que2tiion2 are 2tartiing two worry me what exactly do you mean by held captiive
Yup, feel free to.
Torture: gog no that2 a terriible thiing two a2k two do two 2omebody jegug what2 your problem you 2ick 2chlub
Maybe. It depends. PM me first and we'll discuss it.
If I forgot anything or if you want my permission for anything else, please ask. I'll gladly tell you what's okay with Sollux and what's not. I'm still getting used to playing him so please be gentle, ne~?