Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, Supernatural, its characters or any other publicly recognizable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. This was written for the sole purpose of entertainment, not monetary gain. No copyright infringement is intended.
~ Oh my, would the boys be in trouble if I had a say... Just one word: SFTCOL(AR)S
A/N: Response to Enkidu07 and the gang’s Drabble Challenge. Thanks for letting me participate.
~ And muchísimas gracias to my twin sister
twinchy for the beta!
First Published: 28/12/2008
“Honestly, what’s so difficult about bringing coffee and doughnuts from the diner across the street?”
Prompt: flinch
“You can’t do even the most simple things alone, Sammy!” Dean sighed, partially with frustration but also quiet relief that his brother was okay. “Honestly, what’s so difficult about bringing coffee and doughnuts from the diner across the street? Do you never flinch from getting into trouble?!”
“Not so loud, Dean,” Sam whimpered, “my head’s pounding enough as it is.”
“Serves you right, little bro. What were you thinking attacking two armed thugs all by yourself?”
“Those guns were fake, I knew it. And we got the coffee and doughnuts for free afterwards…”
“Yeah, just like your headache,” Dean scoffed.
The End