Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, Supernatural, its characters or any other publicly recognizable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. This was written for the sole purpose of entertainment, not monetary gain. No copyright infringement is intended.
~ Oh my, would the boys be in trouble if I had a say... Just one word: SFTCOL(AR)S
A/N: Response to Enkidu07 and the gang’s Drabble Challenge. Thanks for letting me participate.
~ And muchísimas gracias to my twin sister
twinchy for the beta!
First Published: 10/02/2014
Bobby was still waiting for a plausible explanation, though plausible was probably stretching it a bit.
Prompt: trash
“What the hell happened to this place?!” Bobby stared at the rubble in disbelief. “You two idjits said something about things getting messy but I didn’t figure Caspar trashed the room like this.”
“It wasn’t exactly the spirit,” Dean allowed.
“Yeah,” Sam chimed in from the far side of what used to be a hotel room, “that went down pretty unspectacularly in the end.”
Bobby looked at the boys expectantly.
“Well, the room was more a casualty of our ‘friendly’ neighbour who felt he needed to make it a point how he didn’t appreciate the noise from ganking the spirit.”
The End