It took me about 6 hrs to put together my group's info into a paper and make a power point. I am so tired and I regret saying that I'd take on that part all by myself. I have a paper due on Monday, 2 calc assignments for Tues, a midterm on Tues, and then a midterm on Friday. Have I even started preparing for any of those? HELL NO. SHIT. I hate
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Holy crap the seats I scored for the M's game last night were awesome! 3rd base line, 100 level, row 16, seats 5 & 6, free parking.. couldn't have asked for more. Too bad we won on a balk, but a win is a win, so no complaints.
I'm sad.. break is already over and classes start tomorrow. And that also means that I have to try and get into classes that are already full. Tomorrow shall be grand... (aka a pain in the ass). I aint gonna lie, I hate my fucking dorm now. It's like I have no social life here and that's just lame. I saw the Passion over break. Powering. Disturbing
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During all 3 finals this quarter I had the urge to lay down and take a nap, but it's not because I was tired, although I am now. I wonder what my parents shall say when they see my grades... maybe they'll give me the boat as a punishment instead of Robby's car. Shitty weather for a shitty day
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So this is my first entry in this new journal. My last one was full of shit, so instead of just deleting it all, I opted to start a new one. I really should be studying for my philosophy final, but instead I'm wasting time trying to set up this new journal. How exciting! Not
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