TimeGate and Macross Frontier pictures

May 30, 2009 13:12

I'm trying not to be too overwhelming with pictures, but here are some from TimeGate and our Macross Frontier shoot. I've also been working on uploading pics to deviantART, ACParadise, and cosplay.com if you want to see more or read more about the costumes.

Click on any of the pictures for larger versions.


Denise and I. Denise is a serious business Time Lord.

Doctors. Eight has the key to the Tardis.

Dalek girls, lol.

Eight and Master.

I met a nice Four. Denise, did you get one of his cards?

Awesome cat nurse!

Just Romana.

Romana and Romana.

And now Macross Frontier!

A group shot of everyone.

Ai-kun running away with panties.

Me as Sheryl chasing after A-kun.

Another group shot after I changed costumes.

I love this shot. It looked kinda weird on the preview screen of Silas's camera but I love how it came out!

Go Team!

The next day Silas took some more pictures for Katie and I with our matching Star Date costumes.

More Sheryls. And ohohoh, we stole this picture idea from someone on our friends lists.  ~_^

So thanks to Silas and Meg for helping me get pictures!

And I think I'll actually leave this entry public in case TimeGate people find their way here.
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