Title: Childhood Memories by Piano
Rating: PG
Pairing: JongKey
Author: twinklespink
Summary: When Kibum hears a familiar lullaby played by his first love he knows he’s the one.
N/A: Been a little obsessed over Yiruma and have been listening to his songs for the whole day and a storyline struck me.
As I sat there at the dinner table, thoughts flew into my mind. Peculiar as it is, my father was the biggest one. Every night as a boy I would be tucked in, and listen to my father stroking the piano keys, making beautiful music. It echoed through my room and sent sweet dreams to my head, what happened to those days? Was it all snatched away because of my greediness, as a little one how could I know to be more grateful than saying a slight ‘Thank you’? Why did it all go away, shattering me in the biggest of ways? How could something so trivial in my everyday life scar me this badly? Even, now. It didn’t make any sense to me, why was I so afraid to love?
Everyone says that we belong together, but are they just saying it for our own good? Or were they afraid of me walking out on another one? No, let me add one more question before you get tired of my rambling. Am I scared that I will walk out, right before that feeling gets to me? What feeling you ask. The tingling of your stomach, the neediness of their presence, the thought of being . . . complete. It is all too overwhelming to bear, it is easier to turn your back on it, but then you have to wonder what all the work you put into it went.
But you. You are my only dose of happiness. Out of all the love I receive from every one, your love is the kind that can break open an ice cube and let it melt away. The kind the sun would be ashamed to come up for, the kind the stars have the shining for. Why would anyone want to hurt your heart? I’ve not a clue in the world, but to my surprise, you’ve been hurt many more times than I. Yet, you smile and love to your heart’s content, you forgot your ugly past and moved on with full expectation. Opening your heart to anyone that could caress it, a pure soul you have, letting a scrooge of a man hold it for even a second.
I want to give up once again, push it all away, make sure that four lettered word doesn’t come into my mind. But, I look at you, your dark brown hair, and chocolate puppy shaped eyes, the way you smile and laugh. I can’t bring myself to do it, losing you would be worse than losing the whole world in a second, or drying out the sea, and sucking up all the air so life couldn’t exist. When did it all come to this? Falling madly in love never felt so good, I almost can let go. Let go of my horrible past, because with you the future seems so more intriguing than sitting here blocking out loving you.
The piano just feet away from our table was playing a familiar tune, a tune I’ve heard for years, I turn to you but you weren’t there. I looked up to admire the pianist that let out such music, when I met your gaze. You looked gorgeous, playing my father’s melody, so concentrated on the music sheets, every now and then moving your head alone with the beat. Giving me smiles, smiles that had more than one meaning to it, something that can put all the stress away. The couple of minutes that you let the song go on for were pure remedy; I haven’t listened to this ever since my father left this world. It has never been so beautiful. You made your way over to the table, bowing at the applause you received, and came around from behind. Your soft whispers entering my ear,” Music is something that can be felt with the heart, just like love, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”
You cut up the piece of meat and fed me a piece, your loving smiles melting inside of me. My father always used to say there are people in this world who make you smile a little bigger, laugh a little harder, and live just a little better. That’s you, Kim Jonghyun, that’s you.