Going backwards in life isn't always bad -- as long as you know where you're going.
Say what?
I hate cheap people. They come into the store with a budget, won’t look at anything unless they’re priced down, and they fight for extra discounts.
This bitch ruined yesterday and most of today for me. We have shirts on sale - buy one get on free. All about $49. A woman wanted me to give her the clearance price for two shirts of the same brand - both located in different areas. Clearance price 12.99. Yeah fuckin right. She argued with me for about fifteen minutes! She had bitch written all over her. A manager would’ve rung her up for the clearance - their motto is give the customers what they want, it’s not our store anyways. Not me. I put up a fight. The store was closing and she was rude. Bitch better recognize.
For the past three or four weeks my math teacher has been absent. I think the class is two weeks behind class work. The sub told us on Thursday that everything will work out but class work will end weeks after proposed date.
There goes my vacation plans unless I only stay in California for a weekend. No Leno!
I’m lazy. I like focusing on work more than school. If I had a choice, I’d take this summer off and just work full time.
You know what ironic? I spent an hour putting my hair up this morning and five seconds putting it back down in the car. I didn’t like how it looked like in the car. Ten more seconds just pinning the top portion back. That’s not irony. Irony is me feeling like I look like shit and being hit on numerous times (more than usual).
This black guy assumed I was married. I went with the flow - I didn’t want to reject/embarrass him in front of his friend. He told me I’m a ten “plus tax.” Oh snap!
This other man came in because he didn’t get my digits yesterday. He wasn’t bad looking at all but he was in his thirties. He supposedly works as a contractor, makes loads of money, had lived in many different cities and wanted to find out what Utahns do for fun. Cute but I wouldn’t give him my number. Who the hell would?
The Quizno’s guy - well actually today was his last day - asked me to stop by before closing. He offered me a free sandwich if I did. Get this - I ordered my usual sub and he made me his favorite - everything for free. My friend’s meal was also free of charge.
I’m insecure about my looks most of the time. I need fix that problem because at least there are wackos out there that think I’m cute and when I hit saggy-fifty I’ll want to look like this.